Breached Pt 2

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Bakugo's POV

I'm sitting on my bed contemplating what the hell my parents just told me and I still can't believe it. " How the hell are they my god parents? WE LOOK EXACTLY ALIKE!! ARRRGGH!" I have been sitting in this room to long and they're probably going to think I hate them well dad- I mean Masaru is. Old hag will probably just wait for me to punch it out. Why am I not mad? I'm ALWAYS mad. I sigh as I lie back down on my bed just deciding I'm going to sleep off the shit news... ugh. I wanna go back to UA

Time skip 11:47 am 

I woke up feeling drowsy wondering why I woke up anyways, I was only asleep an hour? Then I hear running up the stairs and it sounds desperate. I get up a little concerned and walk to my door but before I can my mother bursts in and locks the door behind her. "WHAT THE HELL OLD HAG?!" I scream at her but she just looks at me with fear and sorrow in her eyes as I see she's shaking rapidly. "MUM!,please... hey mum just look at me..." I watch as my mother gains her sanity once more and she suddenly tells me we need to leave. "What why?!" I'm actually afraid and then I ask " Where's dad mum?..." she then give me a look of so much pain in her eyes that it tells me what she's going to say before she even does. " He's dead Katsuki..." the next thing I knew we where packing what food was left in the attic and in my room and we were leaving the house through the window to get to the old hags car. The biggest mistake we could have possibly made. We were stormed by the undead before we could reach the car. I got into fighting stance and pulled out a bat that I had taken from my room. Before they were upon us my mother burst through the herd of zombies and pushed me too the car. As I slammed into the car I swiftly turned around to see the horror of my mother getting bitten across the arm. She mouthed something to me and with a last effort she yelled at me "DRIVE AWAY!GO PLEASE! Survive for me... I love you Katsu...." I screamed backed that I loved her too and got in the car and drove as my eyes started flowing down like a waterfall. She still smiled even as she died " hah that stupid old hag" I remember what she mouthed to me.   .    . " Go to the place on card he can help...Stay safe!" How could everything go so wrong?! 

Time skip driving to address 30 minutes later

It says I need to drive for 20 more minutes, why is it so far away? Then all of a sudden it hits me, HOW IS EVERYONE AT UA DOING?? I connect my phone to the car and immediately dial Kirishima a number into it. I wait for him to answer and to my relief he picks up.( it's a video call btw they can see Bakugo and Bakugo can see all his classmates)

Kirishima POV

" How's everyone doing?" Midoriya asks. Everyone nods or says a simple statement of alright. After gathering the food we have all satin silence waiting for something from anyone. It been 2 hours now, not a word. We waited for a few more minutes then I heard my phone go off and everyone looked and came over to me "ITS BAKUGO" and everyone cheered. I answered the phone and we all saw Bakugo " Bakugo how are you?!" Bakugo looked at me and said "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK?!" And everyone looked concerned so I asked a more simple question. "What happens on your end?" He looked so sad and I saw that he'd been crying then he explained and to our horror, it was worse then we could imagine. " Everyone's dead shitty hair there's no one left, my family is gone, my neighbourhood is gone" I look at him as he is on the brink of tears again "Everyone?"  " Everyone." Gasps came from around the room and then I look to the teachers to see if they had anything to say. "Young Bakugo, where are you now?" All Might asked " I've been driving for about an hour, I'm still in Musutafu and I'm about 65km from UA." "Where are you going Bakugo?" I ask wanting to know where I could find him later. " I don't know, my mum handed me a card with an address on it so that's where I'm going." Aizawa Sensei asked Bakugo one final thing. "Bakugo have you seen any heroes?" Silence for a moment then he finally answered "Yes I've seen Orca, ChainLock and Kamui all now undead." You could se the fear in my classmates eyes all around me even Aizawa was frightened. " It doesn't matter who has died right now all I care about is the fact that you guys stay alive, I really hate to say this but you all are friends of mine, so don't die on me" Bakugo coughs "Alright so stay alive and don't make anyone have to kill any of you, I won't forgive you if ya do!" I looked off the screen and saw everyone smiling, it was good to know that everyone still had light in them. Then a yell came from the screen " SHIT!!" Everyone watched as Bakugo seemed to stop his car and he looked confused. Then to our surprise he growled but then yelled "GET IN YOU FUCK!!"  I heard the van door open and who everyone saw next made us all shocked. It was Dabi. "Thank you..."  was all I heard and then Dabi passed out.  Then I heard Mineta "Why did you save him!?" And Bakugo thought for a second then went on to say "Because right now we have a bigger problem and NOBODY deserves to die no matter what they've done. We are heroes and I'm sticking to that." Everyone seemed to nod at Bakugo's claim and then I heard banging on the door outside and a cry to open it. Aizawa did and thank god for that. I watched as Shinso and Mic fell through and they slammed it and barricaded it again using the button from before. Aizawa went and hugged Present Mic and whispered a 'thank god'. Shinsou then spoke " UA is finished we are the only survivors now this school is a war ground out there." " Lets be thankful you're here then" spoke Shoji. " Everyone good to know you're safe and shit but I have to go take care of patches back there." NO! I didn't want him to leave... but he needed to. " Please be safe Bakubro" I pleaded and everyone else wished for his safety too. "I don't know when I'll see you guys next but for now try and survive." And with that Bakugo hung up and I was left with my other classmates. " okay guys you heard Bakugo, WE MUST SURVIVE!!" Kaminari said with passion and confidence. 

Everyone cheered and we all were set in a good mood, yet we did not know what we were going to lose and who...

Bakugo is POV 

As I hung up on Kirishima I turned to look at the unconscious villain in the back of the van. I drove until I found a spot where we were most likely not to be disturbed and pulled over getting the first aid kit. I searched Dani to see for any bites or injuries and luckily it seems that dehydration and exhaustion got the best of him. Thank god I don't know what I'd do if he got bitten. I was relaxing in the back of the van for a while so I could regain my composure a bit until I heard a noise in the distance. As it got closer I was able to recognise it as a bark. I picked up my bat which I had hammered nails into for a better effect and left the van locked with my patient inside. I headed towards the barking and as it got closer I saw three undead trying to eat a dog. I ran towards them and bludgeoned them all till they stopped moving and I was splattered with their blood "Disgusting"  I grunt and in attempt to wipe the blood off my face I smudge m, just great "ARF!!" What?? I had completely forgotten about the reason I did this in the first place. I turn around to see this German Shepard who based on my knowledge looks about a year old maybe less. "Yeah yeah you're welcome ya mutt tch" I start to walk back towards the van I hear a pita pata behind me and look to see the dog following me. I walk faster and continue to hear it following me. I finally reach the van and hop in only to see the dog sitting on the outside of the other side. I sigh looking at its puppy eyes and give in. "Alright hop in ya dumb dog" I say leaning over and opening the door. After the mutt gets in I close the door and start the van up again. I drive off wondering how Kirishima's doing because he didn't know it but he meant the world to me and I wasn't going to lose him.

(Woot second chapter and the story is only just beginning. Dogs name will be revealed next chapter hopefully)

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