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"Go change. You ain't Wearin' that." I tell Naomi.

"Nigga you ain't my daddy." Naomi responds, rolling her eyes.

"Language!" My mom yells from the other room, overhearing Naomi say nigga.

"AHaha." I tease.

"Dj leave your sister alone." My mom says, walking into Naomi's room where we're both standing.

"Who even told you to come in my room anyways?" Naomi says with an attitude.

"Get out Dj. Leave her alone." Mom demands, pointing her finger to the door.

"Tell her not to wear that short ass dress, she looks like a lil thot." I said.

"Ooooo, mom he called me a thot!"

"I ain't call you a thot, I said you look like one." I spat, walking out the room.


"Yeah he's right Naomi. That dress is too short." I tell her, looking at her up and down to examine the dress she's wearing.

"But mommm" Naomi whines.

"Go change."

I walk out her room and I head downstairs to start breakfast.

I look at the time on the clock that said 5:54am and realize that I don't have time to make breakfast because the kids bus arrives at 6:00. I didn't even know that we were running late. Summer break has made me loose my track of time. I'm not used to waking up this early.

I hear footsteps coming down the steps, and as I look over it's Dj and Naomi coming down the stairs with their book bags on.

"Mom you don't have to wake up with me in the morning for school anymore. I'm in High school now." Naomi tells me.

"Thank god you said that." I roll my eyes playfully. "I would love to sleep in."

It's Naomi's first day of high school. I know she's nervous but she doesn't wanna admit it.

She's been getting honor roll ever since third grade. Unlike Dj on the other hand. He doesn't make terrible grades, but they could definitely be better. Especially since he's a basketball player. He's a senior, and the only reason why he wants to go to college is so he can play basketball, but with his grades it might be hard to get into a college that he really wants to go to.

"Have a good first day of school." I tell them as I watch them walk out the door. "Dj make sure to look out for your sister!"

"Okay mom." They both say in sync.

I close the front door as they walk out, and I make my way upstairs to lay back in my bed to fall back to sleep.

As I tucked myself back in bed, Dave wrapped his arms around me and pulled my waist closer to him.

He got out of jail last year from his prison sentence. The judge kept his promise when he told Dave he could give him a lighter sentence, but the deal wasn't cheap. We had to pay almost a million dollars for the judge to agree. He ended up spending only 12 years rather than his anticipated number of years he was supposed to do. And he got out a little early for hood behavior despite the few fights he got into.

Even though Dave wasn't home, he still was active in Dj and Naomi's life even behind bars. Naomi and Dj would visit him every month ever since they were kids. I made sure they were able to still have a relationship with their father even though he was locked up.


"You nervous kid?" I ask Naomi as we're walking to the bus.

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