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(AN: If you are a fan of this book, then please state your Wattpad name in the comments below. I swear that in the next chapter I will give all your names out. Also, along with your name, put any name of a book of yours or someone else's that you would like to advertise. I will give a shout out to all those people and their books in the next chapter. Thank you for your business - iamabluestar16)

~*Earth: 3 months later*~

STORYBROOKE: Greg and Tamara jump through the portal with Henry. They will soon appear on Neverland.

~*Neverland: 3 weeks later*~

~Peter's p.o.v~

My nerves build up as I feel mortal presence on the island. I smirk knowingly. I teleport myself to the island. I peek out from a bush.

"Na-uh-uh-uh-uh, slow down pal!" Greg says to Henry as he tries to get away as soon as landing."You got nowhere to go. 

Awn but you just got here! Wanna leave so soon?

Both Greg and Tamara are out of breath.

"We made it!" Tamara exclaims.

Yes, yes you did!

She looks at Greg and says,"Mission accomplished!"

Henry cuts her saying,"You sure about that?! Because my mom is coming to get me. Both of them!"

Yeah! Like that will do any difference.

"Yeah well take a look around kid. Do you see any clock towers?! You're a long way from Story brooke-" Greg says.

And the kid cuts him off...again. Henry's got some guts!

"It doesn't matter!" He proclaims. Greg takes a seat on the rocky dirt floor."My family had been in the enchanted forest before, and they could get here again!"

I smirk. Kid thinks this is the enchanted forest. Talking of the enchanted forest, I heard Narmi and her friend talking about it when they came. Wonder what that was about. Wait.... why am I thinking of Narmi at a time like this?! I try to get her image out of my head and concentrate the the trio. 

Tamara smirks and looks around."Well we're not in the enchanted forest!" She looks so full of herself and her trickery that it sickens me. Henry looks so dumbfounded, it almost makes me laugh."This is Neverland!"

Henry lets that sink in. "Neverland?!" Tamara nods. "You're here to destroy Neverland?"

What is he talking about?

"It's the mother-load of magic." She turns to Greg."Where's the communicator? We meed to signal the home office. Greg gives her a fake Walkie Talkie. Stupid mortals, would fall for anything!

"An office in the jungle? Hmm... who works there?" That's Henry running his smart mouth again!

Greg puts on his backpack and says,"Who we work not your concern kid! Just know...that they take care of us!-"

That's Henry...cutting Greg off...again. Should I reveal my self now? Nah! I'll enjoy the show for a bit longer.

"Do they?! Can they tell you how to get back home...after you destroy magic?!"

"We don't ask questions! W just believe in our cause!"Greg cuts Henry off.

Yeah! That's why clearly the kid is smarter than you!

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