Twenty seven:

35 8 3

~Rumplestiltskin's p.o.v~ (Oooh!)

I watched her. Long dark brown hair that falls down her back in a braid, kind of dirty with twigs and leafs in it.

Hehehe... it's her. She's The One!

I watch her, hiding behind a tree. She plucks wild blueberries and pops them into her mouth as she walks along the wild bushes.

I chuckle at her obviousness. I think I should pay my little puppet a visit! I smirk at that thought.

~Narmi's p.o.v~

I hear a rustle come from my right. I slowly stop chewing on the delicious berry and turn my head towards the sound.

I swallow and pluck and pop another berry into my mouth, this time turning back and starting to walk back to camp. I only take a couple steps when I stop.

Who is that!?

In front of me, is a small - maybe 5 foot 3 - man. Or I think it's a man. I'm not sure. He's wearing all leather too. Is it him? I look at his hands for a hook. Nah.

So who is this one? I didn't see him come off the ship....did I miss him? No, there were only three boats.

He sits on a log and crosses his legs. Was there a log there before?


Yup! That's the sound of me choking on a berry. How...embarrassing.

OK, calm down, breath. Swallow....good. I sober up and stare at him.

"Who the hell are you?" If he's not gonna talk, then I will.

"The Rumplestiltskin!" He says rolling the 'R'. Ooookkkaaayy!

I cringe at his freakishly high voice. I've heard that voice before. somewhere....

"RrrumplesteWha?" I ask. What a long name.

"Stiltskin dearie."

I crinkle my nose at the nickname., just no.

"OK... I don't know who you are, but Wazzup? Now...what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" I ask gesturing to the bushes I was picking on earlier.

He giggles and claps his hands. Is he gay? Not that I have a problem with anyone whose gay. I'm fine with it.

"My, how've you grown!" What the hell is he talking about? "Last time I saw you, you were merely a month old, still in your mothers stomach."

Whaaa? Stalker much?

"Creepy... I've never seen you before, nor has my mother ever told me of a Rumplest -sti -still-" I get cut off.

"Rumplestiltskin dear." Ugh! Stop correcting me! Need I remind you what happend to Felix the last time he corrected me?

"" I ask urging him on.

"That's because,dearie, your mother isn't your real mother. She's would I say this...a replacement!" He says, picking his words carefully.

Oh my! What? No....

"Wh-what do you mean a r-re-replacement? Y-you don't know what you're talking about! Yo-you're a liar. A big freaking liar! That- that voice of yours...I, I hear it in my head. That's you?!" I am yelling now. Hey if the next person tells you that the only other person you've been living with your whole life was just fake?

So that fairy was correct! My life has been lies. What else was I lied about?

I stare at him, tears of frustration lining the bottom of my eyes. I clench and un-clenched my fists.

He stands up and brushes off his spotless leather coat. He giggles and snaps his fingers. He vanishes and I punch the nearest tree, the first teardrop escaping my eye. I wipe it with the back of my fist and punch it again. My fist is bleeding now.

Why me...


(AN: OK this says it's for Thursday, but I couldn't wait that long to publish it so Be Thankful you guys!!! I barely update twice in the same month! But the activity is still for Thursday tho. Luv You!!!! <3 ) - iamabluestar16

THURSDAY- ideas for the book:

OK. I admit.... this one is for me, but that doesn't mean you can't be creative. Go on! Think of wacky ideas for the future of this book. As many of my readers know that I..... SUCK at uploading at a neutral pace. I blame writers block. Actually no I don't. I'm just lazy. Eh!




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