"Y/N, we've been so worried about you!" The model put her hand on her chest in relief of seeing her. Ann, I believe her name is, said she practically dragged the blond one over here.

I would have preferred them not to come at all. Something about them makes me worry.

Y/N's eyes were dull. They showed no emotion whatsoever, worrying me once more. And, her stare lingered as she spotted Sae Niijima's sister over by the door.

"What is she doing here?" She grumbled and made her way to me. I raised my arm and let her hug my side.

"A-ah, I wanted to see how you've been doing. Your absence isn't going unnoticed at school..." Makoto said. She was nervous. She kept playing with the end of her skirt and sort of hid her face.

"Oh. Did they want my autograph?" Y/N scoffed and pulled away from me.

"Autograph? The hell are you talking about?" The blond one raised his head. He had an aggressive approach towards me when they first knocked on the door.

That friend of hers... Akira, was it?

He didn't show up. Could he be busy at the moment?

"Ryuji!" Ann scowled and nudged his leg.

"It's nothing," Y/N grumbled. She looked around and frowned. "Where's Akira?"

"He slept in. We did a lot of progress last night," Yusuke answered.

Y/N tilted her head like a lost puppy and glanced at Makoto before shrugging it off like it was nothing.

"Progress with what, if I may ask?"

"With making plans for the upcoming festival. We've been planning it for days now, right?" Ann smiled.

"Oh, right, the festival," Ryuji said, clearly not interested in it at all.

"I never knew making plans for an event took a lot of effort," I said until Ryuji interrupted me. Has his mother not taught him any manners at all?

"How've you been keeping it up?"

"I'm fine. Nothing too serious," I noticed Y/N's discomfort as she made her way to the kitchen with a fast pace. She opened the fridge and looked inside. "Have you all eaten yet?"

"We don't mean to bother," Makoto stood up with haste. "Isn't it best if you go back and rest-"

"I'm already up. Going back to sleep will be a hassle," A silence followed after hearing the aggressiveness of her tone. Y/N wasn't one to snap at people. She usually stayed quiet and kept her thoughts in mind instead of saying them out loud like that.

"Yusuke, have you eaten lately?" Y/N's head popped out from behind the fridge door.

"I take your generosity for granted. I haven't even returned your dishes from last time."

Last time? They were here before? When?

"Oh, that's how you knew where we lived..."

Y/N, despite her weak state, smiled regardless and shook her head. Yusuke stared at her for a couple seconds until his lips curled up to a soft one.

Only after he smiled back at her did I suddenly feel... protective? But, I can't say anything about it. It was a mere smile.

Everyone smiles at each other as such.

"Y/N, what happened to your neck?" Ann gestured to the bandages there. My breath stopped for a second as Y/N's gaze fell to the floor and grew lifeless as it was back in Mementos.

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu