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"Who the heck-"
You look at your phone, its 9:00.
Who would be knocking at the door right now.
You huff under your breath. Hopefully a female.
These men were driving you nearly to the brink of insanity.

You gasp,'Maybe its cherry!'
Youve known Charlie *cough*
Cherry for a long time.
He is the only transgender, and honestly, best friend that you have.
Though you havent seen him-you mean her- in a bit.

Its so hard to keep up with pronouns. You hate to come off as rude or disrespectful and try your best but all your life you have been transfixed by the worlds incredibly vast rule.

Boy and girl.

It seemed strange to you at first but once you had dug deeper into the insights of life you understood that this is something never spoken of but always happening. People are not really allowed to be people without the binds of gender.

If your a girl you play with dolls.
If your a boy you throw a ball.
If your a women you clean the kitchen.
If your a man you put food on the dishes.

But besides that fact.
This made you like Cherry even more because she broke those binds and stood for what she believed in.
She is the strongest woman you think you will ever meet.
Plus she is extremely fun to be around.

You dont take another glance at the mirror before the sight of Cherry fills your mind. You open the bathroom door and passing Nathans room, head downstairs.
Once you reached the door you swing it open to see a couple of teenagers run off giggling in the distance of street lights.

'Dont they have anything better to do, its not even halloween.'
You look down to your doorstep and see a white paper....'what is that?'
You slowly bend to grab it, hoping it wasnt a stupid prank those kids are pulling on you.
'I swear to God, IF AN EGG-'

Your thoughts were cut short, the paper had a phone number written on it.
'What, who's phone number is this?'
You scan it and roll your eyes. You stuff it in your pocket after taking one last look around and close the door behind yourself.

You lock the door and go back upstairs with the others. As you all finish the movie the paper in your back pocket seems to call out your name. You find yourself squirming akwardly on Nathan bed, trying your hardest to stay calm.

The anticipation driving you nearly insane. Though on the other hand you just felt quite uncomfortable sitting next to Nathan after finding your panties in his room.

Your favorite ones too! Is it just you or does that up the creepy meter a bit. The movie finally ends and you havent even touched your chinese. It sits cold in your lap as papyrus stands blocking the televisions veiw almost completely.

He stretches and turns to you and Nathan. "Welp...The great Papyrus is sleepy. I will see you two in the morning!" He happily looks towards Nathan. "Me or you tomorrow morning?" You freeze, feeling the inquisition find its way to your expression. Slightly tilting your head in wonder of what they spoke of.

Nathan widely grins, criss-crossed on the bed. "If you would like Pappy, i can go get something for the morning? That way neither of us have to cook."
Papyrus slightly frowns.
"That is unhealthy!"
He stands up right and shouts proudly. "We shall go shopping for ingredients early in the morn! Until then Nate, have lovely dreams!"

Papyrus begins to happily march out of the room. Nathan shouts out to him down the hall. "Will do Pap!"
You smile at how friendly they are and fund yourself admiring there growing bond. Then your mind goes back to work and cherry.
"Hey Nate?"
Nathan looks your way questionably.

"Has cherry or my job called lately?"
Nathan shakes his head and you visibly become worried.
Nathan sighs.
"You have nothing to worry about. Besides, charlie*cough* cherry isnt going to let them fire you. As long as shes around, you wont get fired without a bang. You know that."

Nathans words were always reasuring. You suddenly feel warmth to your cheek.
He holds your face to look at him. you smile.
"Thnx Nate. Your an awesome freind."
Nate suddenly freezes up.
He looks away from you and removes his hand hurriedly.
"Y-yeah........about that (y/n)....."

Shit! You knew what he was going to bring up.
You quickly stand and stretch trying to throw him off focus.
"Wow. It is pretty late. Imma head out nate ok?"
You begin to walk out of nathans room before he grabs your hand.

You turn to him.
"I wanna talk about that kiss we shared"
Now you were angry. You didnt know exactly know where it came from, but your body began to boil.
You snatched your hand away.
"Dont grab me Nathan."

Nathan looks up at you inquisitivly.
"Whats the matter?"
You were disgusted, like he didnt know what was wrong.
You know he knew, he just didnt know you did.
You scoff and begin to walk to your room.
"Goodnight Nathan."

You close the door behind you and go to the edge of your bed. sitting, you look out of your window.

The lights in your old treehouse are on.

And inside sits a certain man that used to wear glasses.

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