I knew it (sans p.o.v)

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Its been three days since ( your names) nervous break down and i cant get those images out of my mind. Her curling next to her fathers bed, tears streaming down her face, The sound of a buckling belt ringing uncaringly through her ears.

I saw even more but cant bring myself to re-live it. The one thing though that caught me by my neck was that scar. It wasnt even noticeable when i first met(your name), but now its all i can fucking see.

Everytime she smiles at me i think of it. Everytime she walks past me i think of it. Everytime i think of flirting or talking or playing or even touching her in anyway, the vision of that fucking scar is put into veiw. It drives me insane.

So much that i couldnt even hear my brother calling to me while we were walking to the store. I raise my head in automatic reply to my name. "Whats up Papyrus?"
I cant see him but i do feel his nervous aura.

My feet come to a stop and he nearly runs straight into my back. Stopping himself in just enough time, i turn to look at his nervous demeanor. He tries his best to look positive but the smile he holds is different than usual.

"Sans...........I know what you know."

For a minute i think over his words. Nothing comes to me. What could he possibly be so worked up about. Then i have a flash back in time. The moment i held (your name) close to my chest. Her tears being soaked into my collar bone and her grasping hands, finding their way into my jacket, nearly tearing my undershirt.
Then, Payrus' skull, Staring blankly at me. His Mouth just as wide as his sockets were pitch dark. He either was in love or.........everything is clicking. He knows.........he knows (your name) is my soulmate.


If Papyrus knew than this would be extremely hard to hide from ( your name). My mind paused and i felt as if i had fallen into a whirlwind of memories. Everything adding up to this moment. I had already known Papyrus would find out but....not ao quickly.

I knew she was my soulmate three days after i had moved in, Because everytime that idiot freind of hers got too close my jealousy would get the best of me and my magic would sometimes be to much for her to handle.

Whatever i could feel, she could feel 4× as much. So i do try my best to keep it under control, but i usually fail. (Your name) hasnt seemed to catch on because im pretty sure that she knows nothing about monsters at all. It was just her instinct allowing me to stay with her.

She didnt know the only reason she allowed complete strangers in her house was because me and her were perfectly created for eachother. But i did.

Thats when the sickening memories she had last week click into synce.
"Papyrus......i didnt wanna ask ya dis but, what was (your name) doing in ya room dat day?" Papyrus's hands started fidgeting again.

Yep, thats why those images came to mind. He asked her something about love. Something that affected her so much it brought up memeories from her past she was trying to bury.

I stare at Papyrus and await a clear answer.

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