Chapter 5

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The next day I tried not to think about zoology or anything related, because it would just bother me again. I had not been in the happiest mood when I got home the day before. My mom understood why I was upset, but tried to make me feel better with suggestions of us having more to talk about after school. We would all have learned different things, which we could tell each other afterwards.

"It'll be alright, Zoë" she had said, but I had been so excited for all of us to share a class together. Last year, I had only shared a class with Carina, English, and PE with Brian. Carina had classes with Olivia and Jo as well. In middle school we had basically all classes together. I miss those times.

The first few classes of the day were mainly introductions and welcome back speeches. It was not until just before lunch that I had algebra with Brian and Carina that I had classes with the former tech students. The room was practically dived down the middle between us.

Miss Masters saw to that quickly. "Let's mix it up a bit. I noticed that we have a lot of newcomers, so let's get to know each other." A few grunts were heard from the back "I know, so annoying, but let's do it just this one time, alright."

Miss Masters pointed out one student at a time and then who they would switch with. It did not take long and then Carina and I were almost surrounded by new classmates.

Then we were all grouped up by four to work on a worksheet together and Miss Master would afterwards call out the groups individually to answer questions.

Carina and I worked with Matt and Thomas, who had both followed the 'math track' at the Technical Academy, before closing. They both knew Sean, Matt had shared a class with him, Freshmen year, and knew of Carina by association. We did a good job and answered correctly at all of Miss Masters' questions in the end.

Next was lunch, where we found Olivia and Jo waiting for us at one of the bigger tables in the middle of the cafeteria.

"So, how did you all do so far?" Jo asked as we sat down with our lunches.

"Normally, but I haven't had any new classes yet" I said and took a sip of my soda "We did get to meet some new students, right now in class".

"I had business class and we were mostly just girls. There were like two guys, not counting the teacher, Mr. Brown"

"I can't wait to have graphics tomorrow. I heard that the teacher Mrs. Sterling had some interesting creations" Olivia said and began eating.

"Zoë, that Jack guy is staring at you" Brian said next to me, as the others kept talking.

"What?" I looked surprised at Brian, and noticed that his brown eyes were burning, who then nodded his head towards something behind me. I turned around quickly and for a split second Jack and I had eye contact, then he raised his eyebrows in surprise, but did not look away. I looked at him for a moment more and then turned back around and stayed like that.

"Is he still looking?"


"What are we talking about here?" Olivia asked.

"Jack is being weird and staring at Zoë" Brian said and casually nodded his head towards where I knew Jack sat.

"Wait" Jo said quietly before anyone turned to look "Let's do a creep-turn"

"Yes!" Brian and Carina whispered enthusiastically.

"Alright, at the count of three"

"He is by the back table by the entrance" Brian whispered.

"One... Two... Three!"

We all turned at the same time to look at him and screwed up our faces, so we looked really intense at him.

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