1: Tour Guide

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     I do not want to do this, I think as I make my way to the office in these strange, crowded halls. I hate my dad and his stupid job. No, that's a lie, I don't hate my dad. But I definitely hate his stupid job that relocated him across the state. As a result, my family had to pick up everything and move, transferring me in the middle of my prime, my senior year, to a whole new high school. I just wanted to finish these last few months with my friends in a familiar place and not in this foriegn town, Rochester. But no, we had to move in the middle of March and disrupt my dreams of having the best senior year.
    I finally arrive at the front office, get my schedule, and quickly leave. That secretary definitely didn't want me in her room any longer than I wanted to be there. My first class is World History. Somehow I find the room without assistance, even though I might be a few minutes late. Step in and all eyes are on me, oh great. The teacher makes me do the awkward greeting in front of the class that every new kid has to do: name, where I came from, how is the new town, you'll love it so much here, blah blah. I'm grateful when I can finally sit down and not be the center of attention. The rest of the class goes by record breakingly slow, just like any other boring history lecture. At least that's something the same between St. Peter, my hometown, and Rochester.
    After what feels like way more than just an hour, the bell rings and I'm off to find my next class, math. I asked a girl next to me in History where to find the room, so this one is a lot easier to find. Plus, I get there before the bell rings again, but that didn't stop all the other students that were already picking their seats. There was only one seat left and in the seat behind it was an attractive guy. As I'm walking to the seat, his eyes follow me and man are those some cute puppy dog eyes. I sit down and almost immediately he says, "Hey, what's poppin. You new here?"
    "Yeah, just moved from St. Peter. Today is my first day." I tell him.
    "Okay, okay. I guess...welcome. Rochester doesn't completely suck. It has its moments," he says. "My name's Christian. Well, actually everyone calls me Tiki."
"Tiki? Why Tiki?" I question.
"Oh it's just my last name, nothing super cool about it." He answers.
    "Hm ok. Well, I'm Amanda. What's your next class?" I ask.
    "Uhh next I have Poli Sci with Johnson then lunch after that." He says just as the bell rings and the teacher starts.
    "No way," I whisper back to him. "Same. Can you help me get there?"
    "For you, definit-"
The teacher interrupts him, "Something you would like to share with the class, Christian?"
"No, nope, just trying to help the new student, Amanda, here." He says back, signaling to me. The rest of class goes by faster than World History, but still slow. Once the bell rings to signal the end of class, I stand up, grab my bag and start to leave. "Hey wait up," Tiki says. "What happened to me showing you to the rest of your classes?"
"Oh yeah, I thought you were just being nice." I answer back.
"Well I was being nice, but if you just wanna find your own way around in these busy halls. Go right ahead," he offers.
"No, I'll take your help I guess." I say reluctantly. "But you better be a really good tour guide."
    "Oh trust me, I can show you the real Century High." He tells me as we walk together to our next class. "And if you look to your left, you'll see a group of freshmen thots." He jokes and I laugh. We make more small talk until we come to another classroom that I'm assuming is Mr. Johnson's Political Science. He and I step into the class, making our way to a couple of seats next to each other in the back. We sit down at the same time as another boy bounds through the door.
    "Ayyy yo, what's up?" He asks Tiki.
    "Hey, nothing much just showing new chick, Amanda, around our fun, little school." Tiki answers back, sarcasm game strong. "This is Aaron and he's probably the stupidest person you'll meet here."
    "Says you, super senior." Aaron says, sitting down next to me, "So, what's up? Where did you move from, Amanda?"
    "St. Peter, a good hour and a half away." I shrug. "But Rochester isn't too bad so far."
    "Oh just you wait, you'll see. It's just like any other shit town in Minnesota." He warns. "It wouldn't be so bad if I had you by my side, though."
    "Woah dude, back off. I saw her first." Tiki says. "You know the rules."
    "Oh that's how it works?" I chuckle. "Just cause you saw me first, you get dibs? Is that how guys figure things out, dibs?" I ask. "Besides, you say that as if I even wanna date you back." Who am I kidding, of course I do. I mean, did you see those eyes.
    "Wow, I'm hurt, real hurt Amanda. I thought we really could've had something." Tiki says back, crossing his arms. "I guess you'll have to find your own tour guide to show you around."
    Aaron cuts in, "I mean I know the school pretty well, I could show you the ropes."
    "No, it's fine." I smile. "I'll stick with Tiki this time," and the bell rings for class to start.

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