chapter 1a

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Chapter 1a

     please help me decide which one to be the starter, be posting the second tomorrow please feel free to crtize my work i strive on them. please point out grammer and typing errors for correction thank you for reading this

              The best things in life come with the worst things at least that I what I believe it says but this truly is something that I have gotten used to cause here I am in another’s bed.

             Living like this in a community like this often makes you prey to blackmail the moment your secret is revealed thus my present situation, I may feel guilty for cheating on Nii Oduwei but what could I do the options were clear as daylight, either I slept with him or risk exposure on my behalf that was not a problem but Nii Oduwei would loss his legitimacy to ascend the throne.

           And that is not something I would like to be the cause of the people of tribe are tolerable but not that tolerable. So the choice and it was kind of my fault too I tend to be a tad bit too loud during sex especially when it is that good and let me tell you Nii Oduwei was definitely not average and had no problem using it.

         So you can see that I lacked in no aspect of my life until Kojo came into the scene, and darn Nii Oduwei was good but Kojo was different, Nii Oduwei had more traditional nature Kojo has a more conventional one.

     I met nii Oduwei in boarding school were belonging to the same tribe brought us together into a social clique. When I entered boarding school I was naturally a geek both by western and local standards but my saving grace was I had money and like any society you could get away with anything with money, so I was never stigmatized by the "naturally cool kids  but through it I got to realised I was just as artistically gifted as I was academically and Nii Oduwei been the ever good friend helped my transition of people not only like for my money but that I really could do something with myself and hands  and thus graduating from been a geek to  one of the cool kids cause those who were able to do make something out of nothing were far more respected than those who could not, oh  and also I could hold my own in a fight.

               Nii Oduwei and I actually hooked up during the year’s choral night when I was in second year. I was in the dormitory reading boyxboy stories on Wattpad and fell asleep with the cell phone in my hand, I felt the warmth and woosh of my mattress as someone sat on my bed opening to see Nii Oduwei sitting there.

          Turning my head in the other direction, a flash of light came into view before the turn was made as I closed my eyes my brain registered the light I saw, turning quickly and hoping against all the odds that the browser had by default closed itself, I met the eyes of nii Oduwei who just stared at me, "ofeine kaa k33 moko", I pleaded with him  in our local dilate not to tell but he just continued to stare at me.

           He stood up abruptly and walked towards the door my heart rate increased a hundred fold there was nothing worst my family hated more than bad grades, bad publicity and my father’s positions made my situation even worse, I heard the door close as the footsteps faded away the dread that filled me was one that I would remember for the rest of my life.

           I heard voices again and the opening of the dorm door in heart rate increased again even if it were possible. Someone entered and the door closed and the locks were locked.

         Nii Oduwei emerged from the darkness and stared at me, standing up to my full height my eyes met his pleading even putting on my puppy dog face, he burst out laughing, the confused look on my face would be the butt of his jokes for the next years.

        He stopped laughing seeing but worried state, as I stared at him his head got closer and closer to me. I could feel the breath on my lips just as his touched my, startled at the change in development I was slow to comprehend what was happening, he got closer to me wrapping his hands around me his tongue probing my un-responding lips.

           He pressed himself into me, backing me against the dorm bed, his hands dropped down from my waist to my butt making me gasp allowing him access into my mouth.

      I felt a minty taste as his tongue explore my mouth, that was officially my first kiss and it rocked as I joined in. We made out throughout the night until the festivities were done and the other students returned to the dorm.

       This begun our little hide and make out game in the school which happened mostly at night in dark corners of the school because getting caught was not an option for neither of us.

      We went on the same way throughout the term, which ended and continued during vacations during our sleep overs and outings and continued for the next years in secondary school where a lot of my firsts were accomplished.

AFRICAN PALAVA coming soonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora