Damn, I fucked up again - Hosuh

Start from the beginning

I heard a loud honk outside and turned away from the chalk board- ready to run outside. But I couldn't help but turn around and run back over to the chalk board to grab it. The car outside honked louder. "JUST A FUCKING MOMENT!" I screamed from inside, but I doubt that Dan would hear me. I carefully peeled the tape off and I shoved the photo in my pocket before making my way outside and taking my backpack along with me. Another damn honk. "I SAID, I'M ON MY FUCKING WAY!" And I flung the door open.

In the driveway sat a black jeep, that looked brand new. It's dash had some cool designs and stuff, but I couldn't care less about that. I shut the door and locked it behind me with the house key, letting myself into the car to see Dan scrolling through his phone, though it was quickly put away and the car was put into reverse just as I shut the door and sat myself down in the passenger seat. "Jeez.." I mumbled as he relied out of the driveway and took off down the road. I lived in a pretty quiet neighbor hood, so nobody was usually out peddling around on a bike or walking down the street, so Dan didn't have a high chance of running somebody over, but that wasn't the point. "Snazzy car." I fumed as I played with the buckle of my seatbelt for a moment, before clicking it into place. 

"What took you so long?" Dan asked as he drove onto the main road and stopped right before a light, making him let out a long peeved sigh. "What's got you so fucking angry?" I asked back. He didn't reply. "Hm. Stupid reason. Not yours, but mine. My mom took a photo and Stephen and I, and I had no idea. Found it all strung up on the chalk board in our kitchen. Well- taped up." I sighed, leaning against the seat and I couldn't help but let out another long needed sigh. It still didn't feel.. right. But I didn't care. "You and lover boy. How did you not know?" Dan asked.

"I was hiding in my jacket and being a little shit." I replied back, watching as the sun slowly set among the houses, and people's lights slowly flick on throughout the main roads and side streets. "Like usual." He replied. I didn't answer back, slowly moving my backpack off of my back with a ton of shit restriction which pissed me off, because it was from the stupid fucking seat belt. I unbuckled it. "FUCK YOUR SEAT BELTS!" I screamed as it hit the back of my chair- and Dan surprisingly lost his shit, laughing and snorting through his nose as I struggled to find something in my bag.

I pulled out my box of cigs and a lighter, pulling one of the sticks out and placing it in my mouth before I put the box back into my bag. "Your bag is smelling up the whole car." Dan noted as I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and roll down the window asshat." I replied as I lit the cigarette, dropping the lighter into the front pocket of my bag, zipping it up before throwing it to the ground beneath my feet. The window made a small 'rrrrrr' noise as I took a large inhale. "Jeez, okay what's on your mind?" Dan asked, now that our tension was gone."Dunno. Feels like I'm forgetting something." I murmured as I took the photo out of my jacket pocket, and looked at it. The cigarette hung loosely from my mouth, and I turned the photo over. 

December 4th, 20XX. I couldn't help but smile. I took the cigarette from my mouth, and held my hand out the window, flicking some of the ashes off, before returning it to my lips and taking another inhale, holding it for a moment before letting the smoke out. I turned it back over to look at Stephen's face. "Stephen.." I whispered to myself. I couldn't help but smile. "Jay texted me today." Dan said. "Oh yeah? How'd it go?" I asked back, looking over his features. 

"He said some movie is in theaters right now. Going to be in for another week. He's gonna be home some time early tomorrow morning and he wanted to know if I could go check it out with him. He said to ask if you wanted to go. It's about some sort of like, group with a tratior among them or something, like.. I don't know much about it." I looked over at him. "Oh! Stephen described it as a 'who done it?'" I smiled and looked back at the photo. 

"Can't. I'm already going with Stephen to the movie thea.." I stopped and looked up. It was almost pure dark out. Lamp posts were on and we were just driving into the city.. "Fuck." 

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