𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼|𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚊

Start from the beginning

Hopper questioned, "How is this important right now?"

Dustin apologized, "It's not. I'm sorry."

El said, "I can do it."

Hopper stated, "You're not hearing me."
El explained, "I'm hearing you. I can do it."

Mike then started, "Even if El can, there's still another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies."

Max spoke, "I thought that was the whole point."

Mike then started again, "It is, but if we're right about this... I mean, if El closes the gate and
kills the mind flayer's army..."

Dustin explained, "Will's a part of that army."

Lucas finished, "Closing the gate will kill him."

Alex just got deep in his thoughts.

Steve fucking Harrington. The boy he kissed. The boy he once loved. The boy he once hated. The Boy he now regretted Meeting and getting close with again. But now that they were close he couldn't get away from the boy.

The boy attracted him like a magnet. FUCK.

Joyce left the room and everyone followed, Alex included. She went into the room and closed the window quickly.

She said, "He likes it cold."

Hopper asked, "What?"

Joyce explained, "We keep giving it what it wants."

Nancy said, "If this is a virus, and Will's the host, then..."

Joyce continued said, "Then we need to make the host uninhabitable."

Nancy said, "So if he likes it cold..."

Joyce finished, "We need to burn it out of him."

Mike said, "We have to do it somewhere, he doesn't know this time."
Dustin said, "Yeah, somewhere far away."

Hopper said, "I have a cabin c'mon."He then Grabbed Will and wrapped the blanket around him. Joyce and Jonathan followed.

Alex presumed he was giving them directions as he along with Nancy and Steve the stuff back in the shed.

Steve said, "You should go with him."

Nancy questioned, "What? With Jonathan? No, I'm... She scoffed. I'm not just gonna leave Mike."

Steve said, "No one's leaving anyone. I may be a shitty boyfriend, but it turns out I'm a pretty fucking good babysitter, Alex, too."

Nancy started, "Steve..."

Steve cut her off, "It's okay, Nance. It's okay."

Steve and Alex continued to pick stuff up. It was kind of awkward they had kissed and now they were just friends.

When they finished they went out to the front to watch the cars leave but The cars were pulled off when they got up there.

They stood there a while after before going back inside.

Alex simply waited by the window. He hoped everyone was doing good, especially El. Maybe he should have gone for extra Protection of her. He could've burned those creatures into oblivion. But, now he was stuck on Babysitting duty with the boy he liked and could've been with if he wasn't so shy and just had told the boy he hadn't agreed. They sat there for a while waiting for everyone to come back. They heard an engine rev before stopping in front of the house. It wasn't either of the cars they were thought it would be. Out stepped Billy. Alex and Steve both walked out the front door.

Billy said, " Is that Harrington? I see? And the Basketball player Alex Henderson."

Alexander responded, " Saying all this, you sound creepy. Just saying."

Billy then started, " Have you seen my sister."

Alex asked" What does she look like anyway?"
To which Billy responded, "Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch."

Steve responded, "Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy."

Billy sighed and said, "You know, I don't know, this...This whole
situation, Harrington, I don't know. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies."

Alex said, "Oh, yeah? Why's that?"

Billy Said, "My 13-year-old sister goes missing all day. And then I find her with you in a stranger's house. And you lie to me about it." Billy then chuckled.

Steve exclaimed, "Man, were you dropped too
much as a child, or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here."

Billy questioned, "Then who is that?"

In the window was the kids including Max. What the actual fuck.
Steve said, "Oh, shit. Listen..."

Billy pushed Steve. He then exclaimed, " I told you to plant your feet."

Alex swing on the teen before he picked the boy up by his shirt and threw him. He the floor with a thud before groaning.

Alex laid there for a while before getting up and traveling inside the cabin. He walked in on Steve punching the crap out of Billy. The buffer teen was against the counter before he hit Steve in the head with a glass bottle. He then got the upper hand of the teen. Punching rapidly. Alex felt the adrenaline take its course through his veins. Next thing he knew he was behind Billy. He punched the boy in the rib cage before the boy fell to the side of Steve. He got on top of the boy and punched till his knuckles hurt and had blood on them. The teen just laughed before punching Alex dead in the face sending the boy flying into the wall. Alexander got angrier, the teen had hit his best friend and crush, Hit him. This guy deserved no mercy. Alex felt his hand take fire before grabbing the man by his hand and holding it to the point where there would be a scar on his wrist scorched.

Billy said, " What the Fuck, you weirdo."

Billy then Punched Alex harder. Alex felt more blood coming from his nose than usual. Not only was he bleeding from his powers he was bleeding from the punch. He saw max grab a syringe

before taking some liquid from a cup and putting it in the needle. As, the boy got closer she stabbed Billy in the neck with the needle inserting the medicine.

Alex felt the adrenaline stop and fell to the floor dazed. He wasn't unconscious just exhausted. He tried to get up but just fell back down. His body was physically drained. That was the most he had just used his powers ever and he had just teleported.  It didn't matter how he had to get his body up. He had to watch the kids and make sure they didn't go to the tunnels. Especially since Steve was unconscious. He tried his hardest but it didn't work. The kids then picked him up and put him in the car. They left him there before coming back with Steve sitting the boy across from him. When they finished they closed the trunk door.

Alexander sat in the trunk crammed with Steve. What the actual fuck had his life turned into. He heard the Kids chattering slightly in the car before he felt them pull off. He went left and right getting yanked every which way. Then they stopped and Steve hit his head on the trunk door waking the boy up.

Steve rubbed his head as he groggily said, "Where am I?"

Alex now having his strength back said, "In the trunk of a car. More specifically the car of the guy who beat our ass." He then chuckled.

The trunk opened suddenly and Alex stepped out the trunk and then Steve. Alex hadn't seen it at first but Steve had bruises lined across his face. He thought of what he did to Billy's face. Paybacks a bitch.

He smiled to himself before he noticed where they were. He follow mike along with everyone else. In front of them was the hole. Holy Shit

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