𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺|𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚗𝚝

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Alex woke up that morning and got ready for the funeral. Alex did his usual morning routine, except he threw on a tux with no tie to be at least a little casual. He was the first one ready and made breakfast for everyone. Just help save time so they wouldn't be late for the funeral. When they were all done with the morning routine, they left. Their mother got in the driver seat as Alex got in the passenger seat and Dustin in the back seat. They pulled out the driveway and started driving. It only took them about 10 minutes to arrive. Alex could tell by all the attendees it was going to be a long service.


The service had just finished and was about to leave with Dustin and his mom when he spotted Steve, and he decided it would be fun to mess with Steve and tease him. He told Dustin and His mom that he would meet them at home. He walked over to Steve.

"Hey Bad Boy," he said with quotations.

Steve turned around.

Alex said, " I wouldn't put you in this scene, "Doing a whole 360.

Steve said, " Yeah, I was here for Nancy, I know mike was Will's friend staring at Nancy.

Alex laughed nervously; he felt terrible for teasing the teen now. He looked around for a scapegoat. The boy saw Nancy and Jonathan whispering, and the nervous male said, " uh L- Later," and the boy left Steve on his own. Steve stared at Alexander as he walked away. Steve sighed and walked away, leaving Alex to walk to Nancy and Jonathan.

When Alex reaches them, Jonathan was in a car while Nancy stood outside, waiting for him.

" Hey, Guys, what are you doing...." Alex was cutoff with his shock. In front of him was Jonathan with a gun in hand and grabbing ammo.

Alex said, " Umm, I knew I was a douche a couple of days ago, but I'm sorry I just found it very weird that you were spying on them and took photos... it j- just didn't look good for you."

Jonathan laughed, " This isn't for you. It's for that thing you guys saw in the woods, and I'm over that situation."

Alex let out his breath as he looked at Nancy. " You told him," he asked.

Nancy replied, " I mean, yeah, we need help dealing with this thing."

Alex, Nancy, and Jonathan all agreed to meet up later. He walked home and changed. He took his Tylenol, knowing that they would have to run if they found the monster again and not wanting to have to fight through too much pain.

He sat in his room until he heard honking outside, and he saw Jonathan and Nancy sitting in the car. He got in the back of the vehicle. They drove out into the middle of Nowhere, claiming to teach Nancy how to shoot the gun Johnathan had. Nancy learned to shoot it. Alex didn't know why he came with them. They just talked about their annoying ass life problems. Alex didn't pay attention until he realized they got into an argument.

" Shut the fuck up, damn." He tried to calm the situation down, but there was a noise to the right. He saw a deer dying. He could see Nancy prepare to kill it. He covered his ears as it disappeared just as quickly. They all went the direction it went to find a tree with gooey slime on it. They found the bark open. In the back of his mind, he knew it had something to do with the monster. Nancy puts her hand through and goes through.

Alex facepalmed, was she crazy she had pretty much just made the stupidest decision Alex thought. That's when they heard Nancy, "Johnathan... Alex."

Johnathan answered, " We are here." They help her out.

Alex said, " Nancy, what the actual fuck that was so dumb why would you go right in there not knowing where it went, hell for all we know you could have gotten stuck in there. Oh, and just saying I would not have gone in there to get you. Laughing hoping she would think it was a joke, but it wasn't.

Johnathan asked, " What did you see in there anyway" he raised his eyebrows.

Nancy responded, " That faceless monster," putting on a glare.

Alex, fucking knew it. His instincts were always right well, not all the time, most of the time.

They all walked back to the car, getting Johnathan dropped Alex off first at his house. Alexander walked inside and walked into his room. He laid on his bed, thinking. Alex got up and walked into the bathroom, putting water on his face. He ran his fingers through his hair. That's when he heard the doorbell. What could anyone possibly want? He answered the door to see no other than Steve Harrington.

" What do you want, Steve," asked Alex putting his hand on his head, bringing it down.

"I can't just see my friend," Steve said, smiling.

Alex responded, " We aren't friends, though."

Steve asked, " Can I just come in?"

Alex moved out of the way, and he had no idea why. He closed the door when Steve entered. The tired, annoyed male turned around, and the teen didn't see Steve. He walked into his room. There stood Steve.

Alex said sarcastically, "Yeah, Sure, walk into my room. That's fine," rolling his eyes.

Steve said, " The only thing that changed was your bed size"Looking around his room.

Alex said, " And you're in here. Now, what do you want, Steve."

Steve said, " Nancy blew me off today and tonight for that Byers Kid."

Alex laughed, " what do you want me to feel bad when it happens to you, and just so you know, I don't give a fuck about your relationship."

Steve said, " Why the hell do you hate me so much. I've tried so hard to make up for it."

Alex said, " You want to know why I hate you so much because, when you pulled your little trick to become King douche, you made me not only lose my best friend but my first love so there you fucking go. So you not only made the laughing stock of the school for the whole freshmen year, you broke my heart. So are you happy now? Now you know why I hate you, "raising his arms, slamming his hand against his wall.

Steve responded, " I'm going to um go, see you later or tomorrow".

He heard the front door close and lock. He fell back on his bed, what the hell was wrong with him. He was angry as he walked over to the desk on the other side of his room. He threw everything on the floor. It started to rain heavily as Alex just stood there thinking.

Author note: wcnderwoo helped me develop my ideas and gave me some of hers for this story and voted my account along with thanking you so many guys

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