Mutual Friends

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I've been up all day since the crack of dawn doing paperwork and all I can think about is a nice strong drink. Buried in my laptop I peel my eyes from the screen as my phone starts to ring and I see my bestie is calling me.

JAS: Hey, Boss lady.

ME: Hey girl, wassup?

JAS: I hope you aren't too busy Friday and if you are then cancel whatever plans you had.

ME: (sighs) Now why would I do that? You know I go  work and do walkthroughs  at PrettyHokah during the day  & Cosmic on Friday nights.

JAS: Yeah. But babe and I have a friend coming into town and he gone be at TOXIC to perform on Friday ... and we got backstage passes and you work so hard bestie you need a night off.

ME: So you want me to come to the club on a night you know I work to meet some rapper? That's what you telling me Jas?

JAS: Rere listen.. he's cute .. actually spot on your type of boo.

ME: So what I am hearing is you're trying to play match maker again? I know you remember last time you tried to set me up.

JAS: OKAYYYY, so he wasn't cute though?

ME: Yes, bitch he was but he also had 4 fucking kids, a baby mama, a wife, and on top of allat he was broke. He drove a
Benz but was BROKE.

JAS: Okay, I misjudged because of that Benz that time. But this time he a fine piece of chocolate man, he has MONEYYYYY to spoil your over bougie ass, he's a sweetheart and he still keep it hood just like you like it. Oop and don't you think I forgot he has a beard, he's taller than you, and he has tattoos, and he has lips and teeth to die for honey. If I didn't have a man I would snatch his ass right up and get pregnant then live happily ever after.

ME: You really tryna sell this nigga huh?

JAS: Reanna, girl just come check him out.. I already told him my bestfriend was coming.

ME: Okay well tell him I'm not.. I have to go Jas it's Thursday and I have a lot of work to do.

JAS: But Re-


If I would've stayed any longer she would've  started begging and that's something I am not in the mood for. Just as I was putting the phone down it starts ringing again and it's her calling back. Not even looking at the phone I just let it go to voicemail and then my phone dings with a text "Voicemail? Okay then wanch watch this." literally brushing her little empty threat to the back of my mind. I went right back to work. It was almost 2:30am before I closed my laptop down for the night... sighing I say out loud to myself "I need a shower then I need to go to bed because I gotta be at PrettyHokah at 12pm and then come home and change then go to Cosmic at 10pm and won't see my bed again umtil almost 6am Saturday morning...
perks of being a Ceo of not one but two successful businesses." Leaving my at home office I go into my bedroom in search of my bonnet and when I found it I spoke over my shoulder "Alexa, play Beauty by Dru Hill on repeat please." I turn my shower on as hot as I can stand it and get in when the water hits my body I can't help but relax as I wash away the stress of the day.

*15 minutes later*

I finally get out feeling refreshed and heavy with sleep I just ended up drying off and moisturizing not bothering to put on clothes just panties because I live alone in my 3 bedroom luxury penthouse. Crawling into my lonely California King size bed I set my alarm for 10am cause that is how and when I start my day. There is no telling what tommorrow has in store but I know when it comes to my businesses it will be amazing, My weekly walkthroughs always make me happy. I sat my phone on the pillow next to my head playing a sound that echoed the rain forrest in my room. Quickly sleep overcomes me and the peace fills my heart to the brim.

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