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Mike laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling and wondering what had happened with Max and Eleven's chat. He knew Max was going to talk to El, no matter how much he pleaded against it. 

Mike picked up a book from his night stand. He flipped open to the page he was on, when he heard a few knocks on the door. 

"I'll get it." He yelled out, wondering who it could be.

Mike pulled open the door to see a cheerful looking Will standing there. Mike's eyes widened slightly. He hasn't been this happy in a while...what happened? Mike wondered. He was glad his best friend was happy, but since admitting to himself and Max that he liked Will, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous around him. 

"Hi. You look happy." Mike greeted, Will's contagious smile rubbing off on him.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something sort of important." Will answered, hardly being able to contain himself.

"Okay.." Mike responded quizzically. He lead Will to the basement. 

"Alright. Okay. So. I've got to tell you something..." Will started, suddenly more anxious. What if Mike had just been joking? What if Max heard him wrong? Will cleared his throat.

"Max told me that you like me. Is that true?" Will asked quietly, blush rising on his face. 

Mike's cheeks turned pink as well. "Yes." He answered softly.

"Really? Oh wow, well another thing I wanted to say...was I like you too." Will's eyes lit up when he heard Mike's response. 

Mike lifted his head from gazing at the ground to looking right at Will. There was no point in hiding his blush at this point. Mike leaned forwards and hugged Will.

At first Will was taken aback, but he hugged Mike too.


Hi! It's me, the author. I know you're probably disappointed that they didn't kiss, but I don't want to rush their delicate relationship. I'm sorry! They'll get there, I promise! 

Anyway, there's going to be a little more Elmax in the next chapters, but Mike and Will are definitely still the main ship. 

Like I said before, if anybody has any ideas for who Lucas should be with, please comment your suggestions. I was thinking maybe that Jennifer character, but she seemed to have a crush on Will, so maybe not. I may have to make up a character. 

Anygay, I hope you're enjoying the story!

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