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Max Mayfield and Will Byers had devised a plan. Max was going to casually ask Mike Wheeler if he had any love interests other than good ol' El. Then, if she was lucky, she could slide into the subject of Mike's sexuality. But that was a big if.

It was around lunchtime, and Max and Will were anxiously watching the clock, knowing the bell would ring soon. 

And there it was. The students filed out of the classroom into the hallway, heading to lunch.

Will nodded at Max as she walked up to Mike nonchalantly. She kept her cool on the outside but was internally freaking out.

"So, Mike, how are things going with my friend Eleven?" she smiled.

Mike turned. "Uh, good. I guess." He frowned slightly.

"I know you're lying, Mike. What's wrong?" Max asked with a look of fake sympathy. 

"Well... don't tell her this but I... am kind of losing my feelings for her. Lately I just feel like we're friends and nothing more." He states truthfully.

Max's eyes widen in faux surprise. "I'm sorry about that..Well, are you going to... end the relationship?" she questions.

"I was actually planning on breaking up with her today. I feel bad, but it needs to be done. I don't want to be in a relationship where I don't have feelings for the other person." Mike finishes.

"Makes sense. Cool, I guess. Hope it goes well." and with that, Max strode over to the table with her lunch. 

"Will, there is hope. Mike said he's going to break up with El today. This afternoon." Max smiled slightly at Will.

Will felt a spark of happiness. "But did you get to the part about if he's straight or not?" Will questioned.

"No, unfortunately. But I say we wait to see if he drops any hints and see how the breakup goes." Max answered.

"O-okay." Will concluded shyly.


Mike breathed in deeply as he shuffled towards the front door of El and Hopper's house. He knocked on the door with a shaking hand and paced anxiously on the front step as he waited. Mike had been taught the secret knock, and he is one of only three people who knows it. 

"Mike?" Eleven called. 

"Y-yes." Mike answered anxiously.

El opened the door without leaving her room. The door was ajar. "Hopper isn't here, no need to leave the door open." El smiled.

Mike left it cracked open anyway. "Eleven, we need to talk." He started.

El's smile faltered. "What's wrong, Mike?" 

"I-I think we should break up. I'm sorry. I've just lost my feelings for you. I don't think I can be in a relationship with someone who I don't love. I still want to friends, but not your boyfriend." He finished, his heart pounding nervously. 

Eleven sat in silence for a few moments before speaking up "I have to tell you something too. I didn't want to say it but I have to because friends don't lie. I like Max. More than a friend." El finished. She still looked  sad though.

"Well than I guess this's for the best." Mike smiled slightly. "I'll just be going then." He hopped off El's bed and stretched his legs. "Goodbye El."

"Goodbye Mike."

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