"Fear. It's fear. What you felt." Mike said simply. "Why'd we all f-feel like that Mike?" Bill asked. Mike looked down. "You remember something we don't, don't you Mike?" Bill asked. Ormi also looked down remembering some of it.

"Something happens to you when you leave this town. Farther away the hazier it all gets, but me. I never left. So yeah, I remember, I remember all of it." He said.

"Pennywise." Beverly said. "Oh, the fucking clown." Eddie gasped for air a little. "Mike, you said you needed our help with something, what was that?" Bill asked. "There's an echo, here in Derry that bounces back every 27 years." Mike said.

"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked. "Hold on, Listen, Listen. We thought we stopped it. Back then. We thought it was done but..." Mike tried explaining and flipped through his notebook. "Mike-" Richie groaned. "A week ago. A man, Adrian Mellon slaughtered. A girl, Lisa Albrecht the other night, missing. There've already been others and there will be more." Mike tried to tell them.

Everyone looked at eachother and panicked. Ben tried to calm everyone down. "Let him explain." Ben told them. "That echo. We might've changed it, just like it changed us but we didn't stop it, Because it just bounced back. We made an oath. That's why I brought you back. That's why you're here to finish it for good." Mike explained.

"Well that got dark fast." Richie said. "Reall fast." Ormi added. "Thanks, Mike." Richie finished. Eddie opened his fortune cookie.

"My fortune cookie just says could." Eddie said. "Guess they don't know how to do fortune cookies here. Mine says guess." Richie complained. "You wanna throw that over here?" Bill said getting up. "What you got Mikey?" Bill asked, taking the fortune. Bill tried to put everything in place.

"Guess. Cut. Not. Could. It." Richie guessed. "It's a message." Mike said. Eddie and Richie tried to guess also. Ormi was freaking out in her head and just put her hands over her face. Everyone started to panic again. "You fuck with the fortune cookies Mike?" Richie blamed.

Everyone started arguing and then it went quiet as everyone but Ormi looked at Beverly. Ormi looked out of her hand to Beverly's fortune and her jaw dropped. Beverly put the fortune down and Bill put it all in place. Beverly covered her mouth at the message.

"Why does it say Stanley? Someone else fucking answer me!" Eddie yelled out. The table shook and noises came from the fortune cookies. "Ohh my god." Ormi said getting up. A fortune cookie jumped out of the bowl and some alien like thing came out of it and scattered the table. Everyone got up and away and more cookies jumped out.

"Hey, Hey! That fortune cookies looking at me!" Richie yelled as a slimy eyeball came out of one of the cookies. More cookies cracked opened. "I don't wanna be here. I can't fucking do this. I wanna go home. I don't wanna be here!" Eddie said over and over again. A bat started flying around.

Ormi hid in a corner and covered her eyes as black stuff came out the bowl burning the fortunes. Some singing started and there were decomposed heads in the fish tanks singing.

"It's not real!" Mike yelled. "This isn't real! It's not real!" Mike yelled and started hitting the table with a chair. Everyone backed up against a wall.

"Is everything alright?" A waitress said. "Yeah, can we get the check?" Richie told her. Ormi uncovered her eyes. Everyone was leaving.

"That's what Pennywise does, right? He fucks with us. So Stanley's probably fine." Eddie said. Ormi walked faster and outside. She called Patty. "Patty? You okay?" She asked as soon as she answered. Patty started crying over the phone.

"Listen Patty, As you know me and Stanley w-were childhood friends. Well I'm with more of his friends, can you speak to them?" Ormi spoke shakily. "Yes, where are they?" She asked. "They are coming okay?" Ormi said. "Okay." Patricia sniffled. The losers came outside.

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