Chapter 18

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"CHUCK!" I scream out only to be hit yet again by Teresa's spear. This time I yelped in pain I couldn't bear it anymore. I was on the ground, blind and pain was irrupting my face.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" I screamed only to be met with a butt of a spear again. I tried my best to stay awake but I wasn't going to for long. I started to sob.

Maybe it wasn't him Thomas tried to reassure me. I felt myself being tied up and my bow and quiver and backpack lifted off my back then myself being lifted up.

"Ok we have to go girls. Let's go!" I hear Teresa demand. I couldn't think, I couldn't move. I'm surprised I heard Teresa at all, the only thing I can hear is Chuck's screams in my head, bouncing around, taunting me saying 'you did this, you made her demand them to release the arrow' and 'it's all your fault.' I sob harder.

Maybe he isn't dead, and that was someone else. Thomas said. Then an idea popped in my head that I was hoping wouldn't be him.

Aris. I called out. I stopped sobbing and waited.

Zoe? I hear Aris call out.

Who got shot? I ask.

A little boy with brown curly hair, I think his name is Chuck. Hit him right in the heart. Poor kid. Aris says and instantly my heart shatters even more if that's possible. I started to sob I couldn't take it anymore. I could just see it. Chuck standing there innocently then an arrow comes flying out of the sky and impaling him right in the chest. Chuck. Chuck was like a little brother to me, someone that I would look after. Chuck. The little thirteen-year-old boy that was so full of life, so full of hope was now dead. I sobbed harder only to be punched in the stomach and a 'shut up' by some girl that was now carrying me.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?" I screamed. Someone punched me in the jaw and I screamed out in pain.

"YOU JUST KILLED AN INNOCENT-" Another punch interrupted my sentence. My vision was now completely filled with darkness and pain was coursing through me but I wasn't going to give up on making them feel guilty for what they have done.

"AN INNOCENT-" Another punch.

"SHUT UP!" Teresa screams.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" I screamed louder. I felt us stop moving.

"If you want to die then your wish will be granted if you DON'T SHUT UP!" Teresa yells.


"Kill her. Now." Teresa demands. I was so caught up that I had to take a moment to understand what she had said. She was going to kill me. I felt myself being lowered to the ground. I blinked several times to finally get my vision back. Several girls surrounded me with their weapons all aimed at me.

"ZOE!" I hear Thomas scream then him groan in pain.

"Kill her so we can get on." Teresa said sounding bored. I instantly got back to my senses and grabbed the knife in my boot. It was hard but I managed it.

"ZOE!" Thomas screamed again. Everyone looked at him. That was my chance. I quickly cut the rope that held my wrists and ankles together.

"ZOE!" Thomas kept screaming. They didn't look back at me. I got up and saw my bow and quiver and backpack sitting on a rock behind me.

'Well aren't they smart.' I say to myself and I run over and grab them. My vision is still blurry but I can still see at least. I put the backpack on my back and my quiver. I knocked an arrow and shot the first girl I was without any hesitation. She screamed and everyone looked at me. I ran past them to Thomas and helped him up. He was a little farther away from the girls. I think they finally comprehended what was going on and Teresa started shouting.

"GET THEM! DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!" She screamed. I gave Thomas the knife and I started shooting my arrows randomly at the girls. Soon Thomas was untied and I grabbed his wrist as soon as the first girl got to us.

"RUN!" I screamed at him and we started running for our lives. Arrows and knives were flying past us as we ran away from the crazy group of girls. We were farther from them, thank god. I ran with Thomas, my whole body ached but I knew we had to keep running up the mountain. We kept running shouts were heard behind us, arrows kept flying yet they missed. Up ahead I saw a group of about fifteen or so people. The gladers.

"There they are!" Thomas yelled as we ran. I nodded my head and we ran. My lungs were burning and my legs needed to rest but I had to keep running. Suddenly a burst of pain shatters through my right shoulder blade. I scream so loud it hurts even my ears and fall to the ground. I hear yells of victory behind us. Thomas stops running and turns to me.

"GO NOW!" I scream. "I'll be fine RUN THOMAS!"

"No I can't leave you!" He yells. The group gets closer. I stand up with his help and feel my back for the thing that had pierced me. I felt a stick. An arrow. I scream as I yank it out and toss it to the side. Thomas grabs me and starts running. Blood flows down my back and my back is in horrible pain. Another burst of pain to my mid back. I scream more, louder. Thomas reaches behind and yanks it out making me scream more. We are getting closer to the others but then I feel something hit the back of my neck and a liquid gushing down my already blood covered back. I looked at Thomas who had stopped and was now screaming something but the only thing I heard was my heartbeat in my ears. Pain throbbed on my neck.

Then darkness took me.

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