Chapter 3: Questions

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I'm gonna be altering their ages a bit so it fits in with the story.

"You think they're gonna let us go~?"

Who the-

"Then what's going to happen? We're still minors."
"I don't know Toga."

Oh, it's them. I open my eyes groggily. I groan a bit, which brings the other two's attention to me.

"Deku~! You're awake!", Toga yelled.
"Yeah no duh," I replied. "Where are we?"
"The police department, I think,"  This time Dabi answered. "They're probably gonna interrogate us or something."

The three of us were strapped to our own chairs with quirk-canceling cuffs on our hands. Damnit.

Ugh, I cannot deal with this. Has this gotten out to the public yet? Probably. Crap! Shigaraki is  gonna be mad!

Before I realized I started muttering.
"Deku stop." Dabi said.

Before we could start any other conversations, two people walked. One I recognized as the pro-hero Erasurehead. The other was probably some detective. I don't know, I couldn't use my quirk.

"Hello Villains," The detective spoke first, he was wearing a long beige trench coat with a matching hat, why was he wearing a hat inside?

"I'm Detective Tsukauchi, and this is the Pro-hero Erasurehead who aided in your capture."

The hobo hero didn't say anything, he looked a bit dead inside. I mean same but.....

"This is just gonna be a simple questioning, okay?" Detective Tsukauchi spoke again.

We didn't respond.

"Okay then, let's get started"

The two sat in the two chairs across from us, were those always there?

Detective Tsukauchi cleared his throat, "So, you guys know why you're here right?"

We stayed silent.

"Well, you're here because you're well, villians, who were spotted a few times committing acts of villainy. This time you were caught interfering with the work of Pro-hero Endeavor."

Dabi scoffed at that. Eraserhead side-eyed him.

Detective Tsukauchi continued, "Which then issued in a chae down the streets which eventually ended in an alleyway.". He looked up at us. "Anything to add?"

I thought the three of us were going to stay quiet again, but Toga spoke up.

"Yea! Why were there like a hundred people chasing us? We didn't do anything too bad."
"At least this time...", she whispered that part at the end.

Eraserhead finally decided to speak up now, "You are villains who have committed acts of Villainy, and we have-" he was quickly cut off by Dabi.

"I'm pretty sure I saw somebody get mugged during our nice little chase"

Eraserhead continued like nothing happened.

"We have reason to believe you are a part of the infamous League of Villains. Plus, you pissed off Endeavor of all people.".

It was quiet again.

"Anyways," Detective Tsukauchi spoke up from the uncomfortable silence. "Let's move onto profiles."

He pulled out three beige folders from the inside of his coat. He opened up the first one and began to read:

"Villain Alias: Dabi
Real Name: Unknown
Age: About 16 or 17
Origin: Unknown
Quirk: Cremation
Quirk Description: Ability to generate extremely hot blue flames from his body.
Drawbacks: Assumed to be scarring if overused
Kill Count: 61"

He finished and looked at Dabi, "Is that all correct and is there anything you want to add?".

"Yes and then no."

They got what he said and moved on to the next file:

"Villain Alias: Toga
Real Name: Himiko Toga
Age: About 16
Origin: Runaway
Quirk: Transform
Quirk Description: Ability to take the physical form of another person, as well as imitate their voice by drinking their blood.
Drawbacks: When she transforms back, she's naked
Kill Count: 103"

He finished and looked up again, repeating the same words he asked Dabi, Toga responded with the same answer.

Now it was my turn:

"Villain Alias: Deku
Real Name: Midoriya Izuku
Age: estimated about 15
Origin: Runaway
Quirk: Analysis
Quirk Description: Ability to look at someone and have their information pop up
Drawbacks: Migraines occur if overused
Kill Count: 37"

"Is that all correct and is there anything you want to add?"

"No, it's good", I said.

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