chapter 2

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Tilting my head to the face the side of the window watching the Ray's of light enter my room I rub my eyes while sitting up straight by the edge of the bed trying to get the courage to stand up and start the day before I go back to my peaceful bed that is to the back of me .


I hear Tory shout just outside my door ,I groun with response as it was really to early for the noise .

"mommy is asking if you packed everything yet"

Today was the day I leave for school and going to the bording life where I will be stuck there for a whole month before I see my family for the weekend .

I Stand up and head to the door unlocking and as I open I'm faced with the grin of my little brother knowing he succeeded in destroying my morning with his blabbing.

Everyday tory makes it his mission for him to make my day start with a bit of noise just to make me annoyed I bet mom never even sent him .

"Morning to you too dumb face " as I ruffle his bed hair and head downstairs to the kitchen where I find my sister and Mom whipping up breakfast and I'm guessing my dad in the lounge watching the news .

" Morning" I great with a wide smile on my face 

"Morning " I hear a choir

" We have to leave early today I have a meeting at 4 today" says my mom.

My mother is a principal at matrix primary school while my father is a lawyer at a firm down town. They are a married couple, been for the past 15 years .

" Yah it's ok mom"

Grabbing a plate for my dad as well I go to the dinning room .

I'm actually bumbed to leave home but that doesn't stop my wide smile due to the realization that now I get to  see my friends now since the holidays started.

I know people think that sending you child away is considered abandoning you child which I think is really a  ridiculous thought , I just see it as a way to Independence , I love it there it's like a second home.

Finishing breakfast I gather all the dishes and clean the kitchen as well, glad I won't be doing this for a while( the way I hate doing the dishes)

Going to my room I take a bath and do my original morning routines , all dressed in my school outfit I drag my bags down stairs and out the front door to my dad's car.when all is done I say my final Fair well till I see them in a months time.

On the way to school the car was filled with jokes and a lot of laughs with light music in the background from the radio.

" Don't forget to call me" leaving Tory behind is really just a down emotion all the time but it is what it is.

"I'll call you soon"

Giving everyone the last hug I close the car door and watch as the car moves out of the parking space .

Not given enough time to turn around all I feel is lot of hands going around me with the most unforgettable screams you can find , is when I realized that it's my friends , "guys don't want me to live I can see"   all binder in a group hug we laugh at how we just felt right at place with  as they release me from the death guy regaining my breath .

"Man I have missed these idiots"

" Ohh We idiots now" Candice said

silence was offered to us as we all looked at each other , not much longer smiles were forming which ended back to laughter cause we all know we can be idiots sometimes

Walking towards out hostel while catching up on the latest trends and topics that we're shocking on social media greeting a few people as we walked past .

later that evening when we were all done packing , all gathered back in my room as we bond over food and strories of what happened this holiday that was interesting .

Jokes we're shared , new facts were learned, crasy stunts were mastered .it was just like the way it has always been .

Since my door was not fully closed, by the corner of my eyes i catch a glimpse of a girl slowly passing by. She was drop dead pretty , she had long black hair tied up in a neat bun at the top of  her head . She had boxes on with a loose white shirt  that had notorious b.i.g on it and a pair of black slippers, talking on her phone , as if sensing someone looking at her she turns towards my direction and passes a wink and carries on with we're ever she was going.

She stays on my mind though . So many questions unanswered but most one repeated is , Who is she? . Her small smile which only showed a slight of her perfect white teeth as she winked at me still plays on my mind , her body left a bigger statement. She was not tall neither was she short she also had petite curves and a really flat stomach .

"...and they just left" followed by laughter . Then did I realize I was not really paying attention to what was being said. Looking around the room did I notice mandy looking at me with a questioning look .

"What's up afacios"

I watched as 8 pairs of eyes suddenly turned to me due to the sudden out burst.

"Yeah why you so flushed" asked shalin followed by agreements by the rest of the squad.

Then do I realize I was blushing , not your regular blushing I mean hard core cheeks burning blushing.

" I don't know what you guys are talking about " I say trying to play it off cool putting a hand on my cheeks by style trying to hide my blush .

" Don't forget she has a new boyfriend guys , I bet you she's just day dreaming about him" Candice followed

Was it bad of me to have actually have forgotten about him for a few seconds, damn now I feel weard

I laughed it off though soon watching heads turn to the door mine as well as we hear the creak meaning they is someone by the door.

We all fell silent still looking at the door like it's one of the most interesting thing ever, we all still wondering what is taking this person so long.

A knock followed after a ' come in' was said the door spread wide open revealing out friend , omen , she arrived late today , hugs we're shared with the screams like the usual but I realized she was not alone behind her there she stood her head facing her phone she looked like she was texting .

" Guy this is my friend Scarlett" she introduced her as ,  "hi guys" she greeted but her eyes never leaving her phone getting a slight hit on her arm is when she  when  finally looked up her eyes roaming the whole room  until her eyes meet mine her smile  widens . We stairs at each other no words exchanged but it was soon cut short as my ringtone fills the room

I know I have not updated in months but forgive me , hope you enjoy the chapter though

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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