chapter 1

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'What is you thought of you becoming my girlfriend?'

The question I have been waiting for quite a while putting a smile on my face as Jason questions me .

Jason and I have been seeing each for a month now , it was quite an adventure I must say even without knowing their intentions, we have been on a few dates which leads us to today January 5.

'I would like to put that thought to reality ' I reply as he picks me up grin at it's best point as the white teeth reflect and those hazel eyes, those hazel eyes I tell you ,a tourist attraction not that he is a available now though (wink) . As we head to my most favorite place of all times  Dunkin donuts. The smell mixed with the feeling of the freshly baked dough as it presses against your teeth together with the nuttela and cushed nuts  on top of  it to add the sweetness bringing the flavour perfectly together and ready to make my day extra special with the guy  next to me holding my hand as we sit at a table with drinks .

Destroying the baked good with my mouth

' so when are you leaving.'

It was the beginning of the year with schools reopening soon I needed to pack and  prepare my belongings to go to a place were teenagers call prison . The one the only 'school ' ladies and gentlemen .I attend my days in a far away place in the middle of nor where I'm  surrounded by bushes  a farm and wild life I presume not really sure about my surroundings in Lakewood high. Being my second last before I'm out of here  my passion for agriculture still at the peaks of the high mountains.

'next week' i answer with my mood changed as I realize that I will be far away from him for quite a while phones being our only means of  Communication . The feelling of his arms around me or his sweet flat but firm lips against mine as we enter  our own world of pleasure all gone within a minute as reality pulls the long distance relationship card laughing as it dares us to take a step forward  and see what happens

'I'm going to dread seeing you go'

Taking a napkin wipping away the crumbs by my bottom lip he pulls me closer laying my head on his chest as I  listen to his heart beat never saying more.The end of the day drawing near but without a care we stay in our comfortable silence , smiles reaching our eyes both were we wanted to be in each other's arms later saying our goodbyes ending the night with a quick kiss as I enter my house.

'Afacious is that you ' yells my mom from upstairs.

'Yah it's me' as do my infamous hand shake with my little brother tory

How rude of me I'm afacious Blake's. I was born and raised in the City of Bloodstream . I have an older sister and brother , Xavier, he's 24  and bianca , she's 21 , with Xavier we are quite close you can say but you can never say he is the best person to rely on he is the exact opposite you never know we're the dude is at all times but what can we say when you live with a party animal while with bianca, it's different she's practically my human diary she's my love that one she's also a party animal but unlike my brother a responsible one , she is my human diary . Next up i have my little brother Tory who is just below me at the age of 11 . He is the closest to me in my family . We have a unbreakable bond , we like two peas in a pod. I love him to death he's the best . We have been through almost everything together, trips to the hospital due to us fighting or random banter which have lead to my secrets being told to get me to get what he wants , you know the usual family drama later bringing a smile on your family.

I hear her foot steps as they decent the stairs pulling me in a hug as we step in the kitchen to grab a glass of water and bond over today's events.

'I have news' my mom says with a smile on her face , shifting on my seat I prepare myself for the news. being extra  I add a drum roll on the counter making a woo sound

'your sister is pregnant'

Ok , I have know for quite a while now but that doesn't stop the surprised look on my face to stay in character and make her believe it's now I hear .human  diary remember


still with the shocked face in place keeping it there for a while longer than intended later Turning it in a smile.

'I'm going to be an aunt' I scream out loud.

hearing the laughter behind me I turn around and give bianca a hug as I help her with her bags .

'How was your trip ' I ask as I pull the chair for her to sit.'it was alright I guess nothing happened really just the usual sightings but at least this time I got the chance to go to the aquarium since last time it was closed due to the unknown complications' she ends with a slight smile as she puts her arm around my neck and starts smugging her lips on my face my struggle going unnoticed as we fill the room with laughter.

Changing into my shorts and my dad's shirt I lay my head on the pillow not forgetting to send a goodnight text to Jason later putting my phone on the charger. Entering lala land with a unstoppable grin on my face I tuck myself in and leave the rest to my prayers.

How was it 😄 it's my first time every writing so be gentle on me but I would like to hear your thoughts on my work.

Ig hyped.psycho

Till next time °

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