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'I think of you in a very special wayAnswer me How do i feel'

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'I think of you in a very special way
Answer me
How do i feel'

Jiwon laid her back on the grass playing with a flower in her hand, it's been one year since her return to her hometown in Korea, she just sent her application to the university hoping that she would get accepted

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Jiwon laid her back on the grass playing with a flower in her hand, it's been one year since her return to her hometown in Korea, she just sent her application to the university hoping that she would get accepted.

"How is my favorite racer doing ?" She turned toward the voice, seeing the owner of the bar she work for, Jaebum, standing in front of her. "Good, i guess. What do you want though ?"

"Hey! Do i have to need something to ask you how you are ? Geez...kids nowadays..." The blond sat up, hugging her knees to rest her chin on them. "You calling me your favorite racer and asking me how i am in the same day sound off. Say it, what do you really need ?" Jaebum sighed then kneeled down in front of her, she was right, a smile formed on her lips seeing her boss stare at her with puppy eyes.

"It is a very small request, i promise." Jiwon tilted her head, scanning his face, trying to find out whether he was going to ask something she'd surely refuse or no. "Ask, i might say yes."

"Can you come with me to a gala ?" The girl laughed looking at him in disbelief, a gala? After leaving Taiwan she liked living modestly better, not speaking about how she had always hated those rich peoples party, they all had that 'i'm better than you' aura which pissed her off. "Never, and if you even try to force me, you're going to lose a racer."

"I'll pay you."

She stayed silence for a few seconds before looking up, "how much ?"

Jaebum smiled, even though he knew that his wallet would take a hit. "All you want, i just need a partner." The blond nodded shrugging her shoulders, she wouldn't say no to money, especially if the university accepted her, she'd need to pay for a room in the dorm. "Fine, deal. Don't cry when i ask for the money."

"You're saving me Jiwon, thank you!" He held her hands, faking a cry, making Jiwon shake her head then push him away with her legs. "Ah, also, dress prettily please~" Jiwon stood up throwing her shoes toward him before shouting, "I always dress prettily, you stupid dumbass!" Then laid back down resting her hands under her head.

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