"No. Do you?" He asks. I shake my head. "I'm going to tell Effie she'll need to find other Victors to read her speech."

"I'll tag along. She's not going to be happy about this but at least it won't be a wasted trip now that she and Haymitch are whatever they are..."

He rolls his eyes, "Yeah. Well, it's not her job anymore to write our speeches or force us to make public appearances. Yet, I still feel guilty for saying 'no.'" Peeta tells me, sounding almost angry.

I put my hand on his, "Peeta, it's really not a big deal." I assure him. I know he hates disappointing people but if it's too hard for him, I'll tell Effie myself. Disappointing people is what I do and I obviously have no qualms about disappointing Panem. He moves his hand away, getting up and walking into the kitchen. I sigh, shrugging my shoulders. Peeta is so moody sometimes but I suppose I am not one to talk. It's still so unusual to see him be anything but nice but I assume it's an effect of his hijacking. It's just a little disheartening. I get up and go into the kitchen. He's leaned up against the counter with his eyes forced closed. "Peeta?" I ask softly. He opens his eyes and stands up straighter.

"I'm sorry. I just lost my grip for a moment there. It's just too familiar but I'm back." He assures me.

He's right. This is all too familiar but we aren't being forced. We have a choice in this. I sigh, feeling relieved that he is alright. I walk into his arms. He kisses the top of my head, warming my whole being. "It's different now. Effie might be upset at first but she will understand."

Peeta sighs, "I know that, I'm sorry. Just the thought of getting up in front of a camera again and reading off a card hit a nerve in me."

I nod my head, escaping his embrace. "We should go tell her. That way she can take more time out of her busy busy schedule to be with Haymitch." This makes him smirk and we head to Haymitch's house. Peeta knocks on the front door but we get no answer. We wait a moment and there is still no answer. I knock again. Nothing. Finally, I sling the front door wide open, heading inside which might be the biggest mistake I've ever made. Effie is sitting in a freshly showered, shirtless Haymitch's lap and they're enjoying themselves way too much for my liking. I back away immediately, running into Peeta as I close the door quickly.

"What was it?" He asks, confused.

"Let's go home." I say, grabbing his hand and dragging him across the yard to his house, wanting to be as far away from that as possible.

"What were they doing?" Peeta asks with a laugh, seeing my obvious embarrassment.

I shake my head, "I don't want to talk about it."

He makes a face, "Oh no."

"It's not the absolute worst thing you can think of but it could quickly turn into that." I say, leaning against the kitchen counter, my face feeling hot. They could have at least locked the front door.

Peeta stands across from me. "Well, it's still a few more hours until six and you didn't eat lunch. Are you hungry?" He asks nonchalantly.

I scoff, "Not after that."

"Why are you so embarrassed?" I cock my head, giving him a look. "Ah, I remember now. It's because despite being in the Hunger Games and a War, you're still so pure."

"I am not."

"Yes, you still are. You're so embarrassed right now. It's as if you were caught doing that yourself." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes, "I'm glad you think it's so funny. I'll remember that one day." I say, grabbing a cheese bun out of the container on the counter. He wraps his arms around me from behind, plucking it from my fingers and takes a bite. My heart feels a pang of longing and relief as it reminds me so much of that day so long ago. The day I came home and the Peacekeepers had been waiting for me to never return. Peeta and Haymitch were here, tossing around Prim's bag of peppermints and teasing me.

A Fresh Start-After Mockingjay (Before the Epilogue)Where stories live. Discover now