Chapter 21 - Goodbye

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He lightly traced the black and blue lines. The slight pressure of his fingers caused enough pain for him to want to scream out, but that didn't stop him from exploring further. He brought the same hand up to his face, gently traced the cuts, bruises, and swellings until he had familiarized himself with the full extent of the damage. He spent a couple of minutes doing this, silently studying his injuries before the act became a little too wearisome for him. He took a sharp intake of breath before resting his arm back against his side. The entire time, his right arm hung loosely at his side. He didn't even try to move it, knowing full well that even the thought would bring an entirely new sensation of agony up his side. It didn't matter that it was in a cast that started at his hand and ended just above his elbow. It was still too soon after the break that any movement, even slight would cause an undesirable feeling.


Valentine had moved the mirror from his view, placed it back on the table, and made her way back to her chair all without him noticing. He was too entranced with his new reality to pay attention to what his sister was doing around the room.

He met her eyes with his own in an attempt to keep his conversation minimal. What he really wanted to say was: why aren't I dead? Why couldn't I have taken Peter with me? You can lead the war, Val. I always knew you could. All of us: mother, father, Peter. We all know that you're the best of us. Why don't you just let us go?

Instead, Ender tried to convey his grief through his gaze. Valentine was intuitive. She would understand part of what he wanted through his eyes. Anyone in their family could.

"Don't do that with me little brother," was her response to his look. Ender wasn't sure what exactly she'd read into. "Now are you going to come with me or not? I'm not going to wait here all day."

Her comment made him want to laugh. She'd managed to turn his despair into humour. She always did that.

"I'm coming." Ender spoke roughly. His throat burned as he did, and Valentine made a move to help him up from the bed.

It was a slow process, as everything would be with Ender for a while. But despite the expected amount of pain and trouble, Ender made it to his feet. He was unsteady, which was to be expected because of his concussion. The large black bruises on his knees didn't help either, so Valentine made him drape his left arm across her shoulders.

"The things I do for you, Ender Wiggin." She mumbled under her breath as they made their way out of the medical wing.

The doctor had offered to help get him up, but both Ender and Valentine had expressed their desire to leave alone. Valentine knew that Ender was okay with relying on her, but he certainly didn't want to have to rely on somebody else.


Today was Mazer's funeral.

After weeks of thinking that Mazer was on assignment, then discovering he was actually murdered, and finding out it was Peter who murdered him, his memory was finally being put to rest. The old man deserved as much.

Which is why, regardless of Peter's injuries, his state in the medical wing, and his upcoming sentencing, none of that was to be talked about today. The International Fleet Officials had made it very clear to everyone in the battle school. Today was a day for Admiral Mazer Rackham. Not the man who killed him.

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