Episode-16 : Who are Gagan and Ramya?

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Without any further delay,their college friends,Veena and AmulRani simultaneously bet their own foreheads,telling out,"Oh my god!"When Tultuli and Gamya shrugged their shoulders at each other blankly,Gagan and Ramya sneezed loudly,after which they took away their hands to close their nose. AmulRani then directed them inside the cottage.The others followed Gagan and Ramya as they walked inside. Gamya cutely closed the door behind.Once the two bffs found their dresses right there,they remembered the gardener's words and set off in two different directions,towards two different rooms,after taking their dresses and towels in their hands,in order to change their dresses after drying themselves a little with the help of the towels.

As Tultuli heard them shut their doors,she,dragging Gamya along with her,rushed towards Veena and AmulRani. She then asked them,"Why did you girls react so weird when Gagan and Ramya just called themselves BFFs?"AmulRani replied to the curious Tultuli,"Oh!Their BFF bonding always reminds us of the most memorable incident of our college."She then turned at Veena and continued,"Veena,do you remember it?",for which the latter nodded funnily,bulging her eyes,asking her back,"How do you think I can forget it?"Tultuli's curiosity then knew no bounds.She,at last,asked them again,"Could you please explain?Please...I too want to know the "it" you guys are talking about.See,we are all friends now right.Please,share it with us,please."They smiled a little at the way Tultuli had pleaded them.They then nodded 'Yes'.

Veena began,"We all graduated our B.E. from the same college.When we were pursuing our 2nd year of Engineering,we were taken on a tour to the Gokarna beach of our state.You know the place right?"When Tultuli said,'Yes',AmulRani interrupted Veena,"Oye dude!Share the story.Why are you cross questioning her like a public prosecutor?"Veena ignored her and continued,looking at Tultuli,"Yeah so basically our college bus was towards our accommodation in Gokarna....."Veena's narration continued as follows:

It was during the November of 2013 that their college buses were going towards Gokarna. Times were the best only during tours as teachers and students used to forget the boundaries between them and the rules.Hence,college students could enjoy only during such tours.Almost their entire bus,including the crazy driver,who kept nodding his head and driving,enjoyed the ever-green party song playing in the bus:

A girl,dressed in black jeans and a dark blue full-sleeved kurti top,Ramya and a guy,dressed in military-coloured pant and black hoodie,Gagan rocked the dance floor with their random dance steps,although beautifully. Ramya Menon and Gagan Sharma were best friends back in college.They enjoyed the beats and melody of the above song,which was every 2013's student's favourite song during their college life!The song never sounded antique although it released in 2011.As the two besties danced for the dance,lip-singing wonderfully,along with their other classmates,their college bus finally reached their accommodation at Gokarna.

At once,the driver switched off the song,with a heavy heart. Gagan and Ramya shouted at him for it,although he had already got down from the bus.As their friendly subject teacher asked them to calm down,Gagan replied,"Sir,come on sir!Tour sir and such a beautiful song got over so fast!"As Ramya too nodded at Gagan,he asked them to get down from the bus and enjoy Gokarna and that the song could be enjoyed even later.As the two besties found a valid point in his words,they got down after all the other students had got down from their bus.After they all had left inside the accommodation,as Ramya too walked,following them,Gagan held her hand and stopped her,saying,"Ramya!",at which she turned back and looked at him,shrugging her shoulders.

Gagan then continued to her,"Machan,we shouldn't go back without it!"Ramya then assured him,"Haan machan!While returning from Gokarna,both of us will go back only with sea-shells.We should not miss sea shells!",for which her listener bet his forehead.She then asked him,"Why,machan?We should preserve those sea shells correct?"He then angrily replied to her,"I dunno why I found a nerd like you as my bestie!You are such a dumb nerd,machan."She then asked him,"What?If not sea shells,then what else should we take from Gokarna?",for which he replied,"Machan,since three months what were we doing in college?"She then replied,"Writing internals,lab exams and sem-4 passed out!"He then shouted at her,"Ramyaaaaaa!"

Consequently,the public there looked at them,making Ramya feel awkward.She then stamped his foot and told him,"Hey machan!Don't call me this loudly,I am here only right?Look!Everyone is looking at us now!"He continued,"Sorry machan.I was talking something seriously about our lives and you were sounding funny so I could not control."She spoke,"Its OK machan. Used to your reactions since the first day of our college."He continued,"Ramya,we have two important tasks.I should propose my girl,Ayesha and you should propose your guy,Sangam. When we sit back in the same bus,",pointing at the bus behind them,"We will sit with our lovers and only go."As they then hi-fied with each other,they nodded confidently as he told her,"Machan,I have been loving her sincerely since 3 months.I'm sure my love will be successful." She nodded at him and continued,"Yes Gagan. I too love Sangam sincerely.He will accept me and she will accept you.We,the besties will win in this matter too just like how we ace our exams...Let us go."They held their hands  and walked towards the accommodation,swinging their arms,very heroically.

Indeed,it did not sound like they had been there to enjoy their tour,instead,it looked like they had come there on a serious mission:

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