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Jeff's POV

I heard something going on in the livingroom, I got up and I heard what sounded like a Mug smash, it was still dark for morning. Maybe 3 am. I shoved my pants on, just as I ran out my bedroom door I saw Mary running out of the cottage and konna running quickly behind her. "Fucking shit." I said running back in my room to put my shoes and my sweater on, I followed them out with Tim, he put his mask back on and that's when I heard a crack in the ice. "KONNA!" I called in fear, she called my name and I bolted after her.

When I caught up I stopped dead in my tracks as we were both staring at a broken part of the ice. Without either of us looking at eachother. Konna stated that she was going in and she handed me her jacket, "like hell you are." I said back. I gave her back her jacket. "I'm going in." I said to her without giving her a second to argue

I braced myself and I dove in, the last thing I heard was konna screaming my name, I swam as hard as I could for the bottom.i couldn't see a thing. Nothing at all. that's when I saw her bright pink gloves. I grabbed her and I swam for the surface but I couldn't find the opening, I frantically used my hands to try to find the opening and that's when I felt Konnas warm hand wrap around mine. She and masky pulled me out of the water onto the ice, I stood and they dragged Mary over to the side of the lake by the snow, masky wrapped a blanket around me.

Konna collapsed next to Mary and started to perform CPR. "Mary wake up." She kept saying while pumping on her chest. I just watched as my girlfriend tried to save her best friend. I still had. 0 clue as to why she ran, and I just kept thinking about it as konnas warm lips met Mary's blue cold icy ones, what scared her, what.. Made her want to run. I was snapped out of my trance when Mary started coughing out water, and Masky quickly wrapped her in a blanket. And picked her up

Konna rushed to my side, and hugged me before we caught up with Masky. We got back to the cottage and masky placed Mary in her bedroom and then quickly ran to the fireplace and put more logs on.

Konna quickly rushed into the room after running into ours and grabbing some of her clothes, she then ran into Mary's room and closed the door. I sat on the couch and watched as she re emerged. She tossed Mary's clothes in the dryer. She walked over to me and hugged me close. I buried my face in her neck I was cold but not as cold as Mary. She soothingly rubbed my back.

"Jeff....I have to go back in there or she's gonna freeze to death.." I knew exactly what she meant and I didn't like the idea at all but I knew it had to happen. As far as I cared Mary could die in that bed and I wouldn't loose a wink of sleep. But konna was another story, she cared about everyone. I nodded slightly. She kissed my forehead. "I'll come back out when she's ok.." And then she disappeared into Mary's room..

But I sat on that couch beside Masky in front of the fire... Just staring at Mary's door for over an hour, and she still wasn't back.... I got up "tell konna I'll be back by nightfall." I said to Masky. He nodded as I reached for my knife and my cellphone. I walked out the door.

Despite the fact that my clothes were still wet. I couldn't just sit there in silence and let that... Feeling. Take over me. When ever I get a bad thought about Konna it just goes off like crazy. She's the only thing that can keep it contained within me.

I wandered through the forest until I saw some lights. Christmas lights, I laughed lightly. This holiday is just one big marketing campaign, and now I'm here to cause some havoc.

Jeff the killer love story 2: Revenge    [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now