Holiday Season : Part One

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August -

"Y'all finish writing y'all Christmas list ? " I asked the kids.

"Daddy I don't have a Christmas list this year " Asia said I looked at her strangely.

"Why not baby" Vanessa asked her , Asia strugged then plopped down on the couch.

"All I want for Christmas is to spend time with Veronica and Amir " She smiled making me smile a bit then I looked at Vanessa.

"And we can make that happen "Vanessa said as the door bell ringed I got up to open it. Asia followed behind me.

"A-August .. I-I need your help" I looked to see Kayla at the door with two kids cloths hanging off her body.

"August I need you to take them , I mean they are her brother and sister and I'm not in the best shape" Kayla said.

"Who are you ? " Asia said.

"You still haven't told her that's she's mine ? That I gave birth to her ? " Kayla said as her eyes got watery.

"Kayla don't do this shit , I'm not taking your kids that ain't even by me then you ass will be Mia till they are about eighteen.

"Fine August " she said putting them down laying the baby on the welcome sighn and putting her daughter down that looked about the same age as Asia almost .. Then running off to her car.

"What the fuck " I said punching a whole in the window as it Shadard.

"B-Baby what's wrong ? " Vanessa asked me.

Vanessa -

"Are you serious ? " I asked him he nodded looking at the kids that slept peacefully in the bed with Asia. They all looked almost alike considering they were brother and sisters.

"What do we do now ? " I asked August he strugged and continued to look at them.

"August we can't just give her kids away , we have to pray she comes back .. and if not .. " I said.

"We're taking them to a foster care " August said I shook my head no.

"August get some damn heart , you don't know what they have been thorough .. Kayla is wrong as hell for doing this but we can't just do that knowing that this is our little girls brother and sister do you know how hurt she would be if you did that ? "I snapped at him. As we walked out the room I gently closed the door behind me.

"Vanessa tell me where we gone have all them ? Fucking seven kids Vanessa you out your damn mind they ain't my kids her ass need to come back and get them " August said , slamming his phone on the dresser.

"August , if she don't come back within a month we have no choice August you act like this is an issue ! You act like we don't have the money ! August your acting selfish " I said to him.

"I can't see no kids , innocent kids just get treated badly " I added on.

"Do you know how much stress this will cause us ? " He said.

"August just give it a try , try something new ! " I said.

"Seven kids , Vanessa none of them are even in there double digit numbers ! " August yelled at me.

"It don't matter August were not taking them to no damn foster care would you like to be tooken to a foster care most likely were your gonna get treated bad ? This can something new for the both of us " I said , he didn't say anything he just nodded agreeing to what I said I smiled a bit.

"That's still a no , Vanessa they ain't no pets they cost money .. "

"You act like we don't have it August , we have more then enough and being greedy is something I want do they are staying here till Kayla come back if she don't then oh well " I said he rolled his eyes at me then lit his blunt.

"Ight girl " he said being a smart ass , don't ask me why but I was excited as hell for some reason. I walked into the bathroom taking a Fifth teen minute shower . Getting out I did my hygiene put my hair into a beat bun on top of my head then throw on my pink yoga pants and white tank top.

"I can't believe you wanna add to more kids to our plate when we already have two new borns in the hospital " He said I rolled my eyes at him.

"If you wouldn't have answered the door then this wouldn't be on our plate now would it August ? " I smiled he mean mugged me I went to Asia's room to see that they were up.

"Mommy my sister has hair like mine " Asia smiled.

"What's her name " I asked.

"Mommy ask her , she talks " Asia said giggling.

"My name is Kaysia " she said lowly.

"And what's your brothers name " I said scooping him up holding him into my arms he still needed care he was just a few moths old I guess I could let him have a room with the twins since it was big enough.

"I hope my mommy don't come back " Kaysia said playing with her hands.

"And why is that ? " I'm asked her.

"She's mean , to me and my brother of we wouldn't have came here we wouldn't have probably aten until another two days " she said , Asia looked at me as if she was waiting for me to respond.

"Your safe now Kaysia .. and you can have anything you would like " I said giving her a warm smile.

"What's his name ? " I asked looking down at the curly haired boy that had light brown eyes and dimples that you could see when he smiled.

"Kevin " she said , I stood him up at he drooled all over my shirt I wipped it off then went down stairs to make him a bottle. August looked at me then started to smile.

"Why you so nice ? " He asked I strugged.

"What goes around comes around me being kind and love helping others I'll be even more blessed one day " I said August nodded then smiled.

"Now can your kind ass make me some food ? " August asked then as we shared a laugh he leaned in and kissed me.

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Kayla 😳😳😳

What y'all think about Vanessa ? Kindness 😍😂👏!

Kaysia & Kevin new addition till Kayla come backs , if she ever does 😳


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