Bruises And Kisses 1/5

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"Hello, Love" a voice was heard from afar as the group was discussing. Their heads turned behind to see the unknown figure, Most of the side's faces were confusion but Deceits said otherwise. Deceit felt as if he was thrown a heavy rock of anxiety that constantly reminded him of the torture, why was he showing up now? The question was never answered.
   "Who are you!" Roman snarled with such venom, even deceit himself shivered from hearing Roman's voice.

"Oh no no no, I'm not talking to you" The figure walked towards Deceit who was now fidgeting, looking away, looking at anything but that figure. He constantly was reminded about the torture in his dreams so why now? Why do this?
  "I knew it! You were planning this deceit, you stupid snake! Nobody wants you!" Virgil gasped out in anger that was boiling inside him which was let out.

  "Aw baby are you going to cry now? How about we do it like old times" The figure said once again, his voice was loud with determination and greed. Deceits eyes widen, he couldn't position himself upright, and instead, he fell on his knees, his legs didn't listen, as if they weren't in control anymore, he couldn't feel his body anymore. Only pain was reminded to him. His vision blurred as the hot, burning sensation was dripping from his cheeks. His face covered by his small cape Mururing so many "no's" and "stop's".
  "Baby, safe the tears for later... Man, I'm jealous... Maybe even too!" Greed cackled, his grin inhuman, they looked like from cartoons. 

This was quite worrying for Most of Thomas's sides and himself but Virgil was not convinced. Not even a single living cell was he, he felt no sympathy anymore and couldn't care less.
   "Stop faking Deceit, we know you're just lying" Virgil groaned at the acting, Deceit was taking the acting too far. Annoying the anxiety even more. Deceit's voice was hitched as he felt hot breath on his neck. 

"N-No please- No more- N-No- M..More!" Deceit yelled as he fought back with such little strength, every small punches and kicks were weakened with such little effort. The snake cried as he felt hot breath against his neck. He knew what was going to happen. 

  "You made master, very very angry.. You know what that means" Greed said angrily, Pushing Deceit onto the cold concrete floor, staring onto the hungry dogs that barked for attention for their stomach. 
  "But before that" Greed paused, staring onto the lifeless life he created and broke into pieces. He was in fact just a bit satisfied. With a small smirk that plastered onto his face, he grabbed The Cat. A nine-tailed whip, which was known to hurt very badly and could kill you.

"Now baby, It won't hurt if you corporate" the sinful greed cooed, slowly grabbing The Cat. 

"no- anything but that- Pl- Please- I thou- you- me- Loved-" Deceit words scrambled each time he spoke, the salty wet tears that flowed beneath his eyes. A small kiss was planted onto Deceit's forehead.
  "I do love you.. But not the way you see as... Love" Greed said, slowly patting the blood-stained whip. 
  "Oh baby, whenever I whip you, you have to count until ten! I know you will need to also feel the hungry dogs eating you!" Deceit grimaced at the necessary comment at the end, nodding quickly as he gave out his last shaky sigh. The Torture started.

"ONE" Deceit yelled at the impact, his arms twitching in pain, His throat getting dry from the constant crying.
"TWO" Deceit yelled out once more, he couldn't take the pain, his back was whipped two times. Deceit knew if his lover had hit the same places he would have exactly what his lover wants. The big purple bruises. The color of royalty, The rarest color from history.

"T-ThREE" Deceit was losing consciousness, his mind trying to stay awake while his body needed rest. The searing pain just wouldn't stop, his back was hit three times now. How much longer could he bear this torture?

Bruises And Kisses l Angst Deceit Sanders l 5/5Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon