Chapter 6

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Joshua walked the deck anxiously the next morning. It was a foggy morning matching his brain. He couldn't think straight because there were so many thoughts.

When The Black Pearl was just off the coast, where you could barely see land, Joshua and a few men went to land on a dingy. He went with his uncle Gibbs, Angelica, and three other men.

"In an hour meet me back here," were his departing words. He didn't know what Jack had planned, but it could wait until he could tell everyone what was going on, and they could know when to meet him and pick them up.

Joshua walked down the street trying not to draw attention to himself. He knew he wasn't, but could still feel the stares of strangers.

He reached the prison and saw the first guard. When he looked the other way Joshua ran past him from around a tree and turned the corner and held his breath. The guard looked around, but shook it off and went on with his business.

Joshua had a problem when he reached the prison and there was 2 guards watching Jack and Abigail. Abigail saw him and her eyes lit up which Joshua responded by putting two fingers to his lips.

Jack had it all planned out. "The girl and I would like a drink of water." One of the soldiers went to her some water. "The buckets full." The other entered to get the bucket. The bucket was simply their outhouse.

Joshua hurried over to hear the plan Jack had. He had only a few minutes and had to talk quick.

Afterwards Joshua ran through town dodging families and poles. He quickly explained the situation to worried friends of Jacks and a worried lover, and took some supplies Jack had him get. They were to stay here until they got back.

He ran back as fast as he could until he made it to the wooden fence outside where the were going to be hung. He waited, chest pounding, until he spotted them.


Abigail gulped as two solider came in the cell to chain their hands and ankles closely together. Jack remained calm trying to strike conversation up between the men.

The walked along with some other poor souls and stood waiting for them to tie their necks. In the meantime Abigail traced the knife hiding between her arm and dress sleeve.

Jack glanced at her to his left. He saw the fright in her face and hoped she would do it and wouldn't even hesitate. He gave her an important job, but she needed to do this to get over her guilt. He had heard her and Joshua talking and knew he had to help.

Abigail swallowed and squeezed her eyes shut, scared and nervous about what she had to do when the noose was tied around her neck. They undid her shackles, and she put her right hand in her other sleeve, and firmly gripped the knife. She saw Jack small nod of encouragement, withdrew the knife, and stabbed him in the chest aiming for his heart. He fell to his knees.

Soldiers ran forward to fight her, and she quickly cut the rope from her neck. She threw the knife to Jack as a temporary weapon, and to free himself before running towards the fence to get swords from Joshua.

"Be careful," Joshua warned her handing her two swords. One was was for her and the other to give to Jack.

They were in a square enclosure. There was the man she had already killed, the one to the right Jack was fighting, one in the center, and one to the left. Joshua took the one who was originally on the left while Abigail took the man from the center.

They fought for a good 5 minutes before Jack killed his guy. Joshua killed his a few minutes later. Abigail was about to run the sword through her guys stomach when he got her. She didn't think it was deep but she was in intense pain. Joshua cussed, ran to him and slammed his word into him with all his might.

She fell down gripping her side. The man who who stabbed her had a smirk on his face. She noticed him as Charlottes brother. His smirk left when Joshua killed him.

Jacks face turned to shock when he saw Abigail being stabbed. He ran over to her picking her up and started running. Joshua followed behind.

"Let me carry her," Joshua insisted.

"No, son. Go ahead of men and fight anybody who gets in the way."

Joshua fought 4 men as Abigail groaned in pain. Each strike was pure anger at the fact they had injured his girl. She might die, and he couldn't stand it.

When they reached the road Joshua pushed a man out of a buggy, and Jack put her on the inside. "I'll drive. Take care of the girl." Jack hopped out taking the rains, smacking them across the horses back, sending them flying down the street, and making people run out of the way.

They reached the dingy and Joshua took her this time, and set her inside the boat. She groaned in pain.

"What happened?" Angelica asked.

"She was stabbed."

Angelica ripped her dress to see how bad it was. "Don't look, Jack," she breathed out.

"I have to make sure you're alright, love."

"There's a cut here to," Angelica ran her finger down the cut around her deep wound.

"No." Abigail took a breath. "That's old, from a different fight."

The reached the Black Pearl and Joshua got out first so Jack could hand him Abigail. He went to their room, lowering her on Angelica's bed.

Angelica had went to get what Jack had in the captains quarters. She came back to take care of Abigail. She wiped the area clean, but Abigail just laid there with her face scrunched up.

"This might hurt," Angelica told in advance.

She cleaned the knife while Abigail scrunched her face up even more preparing for the pain. Angelica carefully slid the knife into the wound to see how deep it was. Abigail whimpered until Angelica was done.

"How is she?" Jack asked coming into the room.

"The wounds half an inch deep."

"Not too bad."

Abigail's eyes widened as she picked up a jar. "Will this hurt?"

"Not at all," Angelica said.

"Where did you learn to doctor at?" Joshua asked from the corner of the room.

"Pirates have to know, or a beloved crew member might die," Jack said.

"Beloved?" Abigail smiled at him.

"Of course, even nasty pirates can have a heart."

Abigail smiled closing her eyes I get some sleep. It had been a rough past few days and all she wanted to do was sleep knowing she was protected.

"Is there anything you'd like?" Joshua asked her.

"Would you write my cousin Elizabeth? I'll tell you what to write."

Joshua got a pen and some paper and listened to what Abigail had to say.

"Dead Elizabeth,

How's father doing Is he taking my departure bad? Tell him I'm alright even though did get into a bit of a ruckus. I'm sure it will reach his ears soon if it hasn't by the time you read this.

I almost got hung at the gallows today. Jack Sparrow and I broke free, but I was stabbed and will heal. I don't know how the mans still alive. Somehow he always gets out of everything.

I was wondering if you'd come out here maybe for a few days. I miss my family terribly and would do anything to see you or father. To be on the safe side I'd have to be you. Please consider it.

Love your cousin,

Abigail Swann

P.S. If you don't notice the writing I'm having a friend write since I'm sore from being stabbed."

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