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"I think i messed up" I groamed while supporting my head with my hand "Okay you've said that five times since you walked in the class, what's the matter what did you messed up" Soobin asked annoyed

"Well, when we were chatting in the hallway she suddenly doze off i askes her why she said it was something that's going on in her head, so i took her to my secret spot and i told her i never brought anyone up there except her so i said she was special, she asked why and i explained it to her, later she cried when i finished and asked her is it because i said something wrong she said no,i grabbed a handkerchief and wiped her tears off she suddenly jerked away, maybe because the sudden move she was  like that, but i feel there is something more but i dont know why" I said explain it to him in i think and he looked at me wide eyed

"Okay you talk way to fast but i got it, well you're going to work on that assignment tomorrow, well why dont you ask her maybe she'll open up to you" Soobin said "Yeah you should ask her" Somi said out of nowhere "Jesus christ Somi, you scared me" Soobin said "Sorry, but what you guys are talking about is more interesting than the lesson, and yeah i agree with him, you should go talk to her may be she got something she wanted to talk about" Somi said

and yeah maybe they got a point "Y/N, SOOBIN, SOMI Is there something you wanted to share to the whole class" the teacher suddenly yelled "Yeah, How boring your class is" Soobin yelled and all of us hold our laughter and i could tell the whole calss too "Okay then you three detention after school" The teacher said 'Great just what i needed' i groan mentally

"But for the mean time go stand outside" The teacher ordered us and we stood up and went outside, its better than to listen his meaningless lecture about stuff he has 'done'

"Soo you're going to ask her tomorrow" Soobin asked "Yeah i think so" i said grabbing a book from my locker luckily its not to far

"You got anymore" Soobin asked "Yeah here you go" I said and give me an 'It's You' novel "Oh i never heard of this yet" Soobin said and unwrapping the new cover "I am going to buy some snacks want anything" Somi offered and we just asked for some drinks

after a long time later school is finally over and i could go home, weird thing is i didnt see Yeji come out of her class maybe she already left, oh wait i was in detention thats why i didn't see her

but when i wnet outside yeji is still hanging out with her friends, so i approach them to say whats up

"... soo how's the bet going.... oh hey y/n" Lia waved at me "Hey Lia, hey ryujin" i said and smiled at them and so does they "Oh y/n i was meaning to ask , i cant do the assignment tomorrow maybe we can reschedule" She asked "Yeah sure" i smiled "Well i was only saying hi to you guys ill see you later" I said bidding my goodbye "Oh y/n wait up" Yeji called "What's up" i asked"

"Can i ask for a ride, my parents said that they would be home late, and i dont know what bus to take home" Yeji asked "Yeah sure" I said smiling, i led her to my bike but sadly i only bring one helmet "Here you go wear this" I said giving her mine "Wait where yours" she asked "I don't need it" Yes you do she said giving it back, i grabbed it and put it on her head "Your safety is important" I said putting on the safety straps "Yours too" She said trying to let it off but i stopped her "Listen, if something happens to you, i couldn't live with myself knowing that i could prevent it, so please wear it" i said and she finally gave up "Fine"

I hoped on and so did she "Just tell me the direction okay" I said to her and she nodded then we drove away

on the way she slept a little bit, good tging she let me know her address, but is dangerous to fall asleep on a bike "Hey yeji" I said waking her up when we stopped "Yeah hmm" She woke up "You shouldn't sleep on the bike, its dangerous" i said to her "Yeah sorry" Yeji said "And just hang on to me if you're afraid to fall" I said and she nodded

a little miles left and then we finally made it "Thanks y/n for the ride" She said hopping off my bike "You're welcome" I smiled at her "Oh and here" she said giving my Helmet amd some money "For gas money" She said "Yeji you don't need to" I said trying to give the money back "No, its for you please take it" she said and doing her puppy eyes "Okay then, thank you" I smiled "You're welcome" She smiled back "Well good day m'lady" I said and started to did a u turn "Byee y/n" she said waving at me and so i waved back

to be continued

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