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°y/n pov

i pull up to the driveway of my house and park my bike and entered, "Hey y/n how's school" My dad asked while preparing food for us "It's good how's mom" I asked him

"she's doing well, they're gonna perform the surgery next week" My dad said sitting down "Hope it goes well" I said "I hope so too, but your mom is strong im sure she'll be able to make it" My dad said smiling and i smiled too

"Come on lets eat" My dad said then we ate "Here i wash the dishes dad" I daid picking up his plate "Thanks son" he said standing up and washed his hands "okay im going to bed you should too" He said "Yeah I'm going to finish some homework first" I said putting the dishes in the rack "Okay dont stay up too long" he said walking to his room

i walked in to my room and do some homework and slept at two in the morning i woke up at five showered and changed i went downstairs to cook breakfast since dad cooked dinner last night and put it in his table "Morning Son" He said

"Morning" I said "Are you coming home late tonight dad" I asked him "Yeah i think i will" He replied "Okay then, i will look after the house" I said and continued eating

°At School

I was putting the my books in the locker than one of the teacher called me "Yes sir" I said to him "This is next weeks assignment for the group, can you pass it along" He asked "Yeah of course" I replied and took the assignment, i took a picture of it and posted it in my classmates group

"Thank You Y/n" He said "You're very welcome" I said "And if you don't mind me asking, how's your mom" He asked "Ahh, she is recovering and hopefully they can perform the surgery soon" I replied "Well wish her all the best" He said smiling and i thanked him

"Y/n/n (Your nickname) " A voice called me "What is it Yeji" I asked "When are we going to get started on this" She asked "Oh whenever you like" I replied "So can you swing by my place maybe tomorrow" She asked

"Uhh yeah sure, just text me your address" I said and she pulled out her phone and send me her address "Okay then, hey what is your next class" I asked her

"Uhhhh, music why" she asked "oh sweet we have the same class wanna go there together" I asked "Yeah let's go" She replied cutely, not gonna lie i think i like her

°At class

"Since we have two hours together, i will give you forty five minutes to go rehearse a song, you could play the an instrument or not is your choice" She said

"Ms Irene, is there any specific type of genre we have to sing" One of our classmates asked "No, you can sing whatever" She replied "Okay your time starts now" She said and luckily i always keep a spare guitar in the room

i took it and search for a song after i found one i plug in my headphones and listen to it

"Okay your time is up, Y/n you seemed like prepared why don't you come up here and go first" Mrs Irene said and i stood up and grabbed the guitar

"Okay I've been listening to Billie Eilish a lot recently so im honna sing one of her song, hope you enjoy it" I said

(I've been listening to him lately and he popped up in my mind)

to be continued

hope you all enjoy, and i want to take a minute and congratulate Ryujin for her birthday, she ia one of the best girls out there and she worked hard for all of us

so that we could enjoy their performance, and i want to wish her a  happy birthday, hope that she is okay amd staying safe like all of you should do including me

and that's it, see ya later

and that's it, see ya later

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