the new kid

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"Mikey come on! We're gonna be late," Gerard yelled up the stairs at his little brother, who was still getting ready for school. "I'm trying to hurry but I don't want to burn my face off," Mikey yelled back from the bathroom. Gerard sighed, "If you don't hurry the hell up you're gonna have to ride with Pete." Mikey walked down the stairs, beanie in hand and freshly straightened hair, "How is that a threat?" Gerard rolled his eyes and shouldered his bag, "Just get in the fucking car."

When they pulled into Gerard's parking spot, the campus was already filled with students. They both got out of the car, said goodbye to each other, and went their separate ways, Mikey to the freshman wing and Gerard to the main part of campus.

Gerard stepped into the building, immediately being greeted by his friend, Ray. They walked to their homerooms and talked about the normal stuff (the upcoming school play that neither of them were going to see, their parents, you know the usual) when Ray brought something interesting up.

"Apparently there's a new kid." Gerard looked at Ray, "How do you know that?" Gerard asked. "My brother, I'm telling you, if you wanna know anything about anyone, ask him." Ray's brother was a somewhat popular senior and Ray always somehow managed to get the gossip from him. Although, being "a useless junior" as Ray's brother called Gerard, he hardly ever interacted with him directly.

"Why are they so important that you're telling me about them?" Gerard asked. Ray was pretty much the only person he ever interacted with, with the exception of Mikey. "Because," Ray drew out the word, surely about to prove to Gerard that this new kid was in fact going to impact Gerard, "apparently the principal wants you to show them around the school."

Gerard stopped in his tracks. Mr. Joseph wanted him, an openly queer guy who pretty much only wore black and had dyed his hair so that it currently had teal roots, to show the new kid around the school? Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

"Dude?" Ray called from a few steps ahead of Gerard, "We're gonna be late to our homerooms." Gerard nodded, walking along with Ray and making it to his homeroom with just enough time to sit down until the bell rang for him to go to his first period.

"Gerard, can you come here for a second?" His homeroom teacher, Mrs. Church, called him over to her desk. "There's a new student, and Mr. Joseph wants you to show him around." Gerard nodded, "He wants you to drop your stuff off at your first period and head to the front, okay?" Gerard nodded again and Mrs. Church smiled while pulling her curly dark hair into a ponytail as he stepped out of her classroom.

The halls were as crowded as ever, making it hard to get from Mrs. Church's room to his first period and then to the front office in a reasonable amount of time, but he somehow managed.

Mr. Joseph and someone unfamiliar were waiting for him by the receptionist's desk. Mr. Joseph smiled and greeted Gerard, "Good morning Gerard! I'll assume that Mrs. Church explained what you'll be doing this morning to you?" Gerard nodded. He seemed to be doing a lot of that this morning. "Good! Well, I'll leave you to it!" He smiled and began walking away.

Gerard sized up the new kid. She had unkempt shoulder length hair, not unlike his own. She had on a black Misfits shirt, jeans, and some worn out converse. He also noticed that she had both her lip and nose pierced. He smiled to himself, this kid seemed pretty cool. If this morning went well, maybe she could hang out with Ray and Gerard.

"Um," she murmured, "He told me to give you my schedule," she thrust out a hand that had a piece of paper in it, "My name's Frank by the way." Gerard tried not to look taken aback. He scanned the new kid again, this time picking up on more masculine features. With a smile, he responded, "I'm Gerard. I use he/him pronouns, by the way." Frank smiled a bit and looked at the ground, "Same here."

"So," Gerard glanced at the schedule he held in his hand, "Let's take you around this hell and you can rate it under the eternal punishment category on Yelp." Frank laughed. Gerard couldn't help but notice how adorable his laugh was. Frank looked him in the eyes, how did Gerard miss those eyes before, because god damn, they were beautiful. "Take me through hell then."

They both smiled as Gerard began to lead Frank out of the office and into the heart of the highschool.

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