Chapter 6

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Dipper look at the strange symbols once more. The one that Bill left in his wall.

After analyzing the descriptive writings, he took one deep breath before chanting the words.

"Triangulum, Entangulum. Meteforis Dominus Ventium!"

A sudden wind forced almost took a knocked back to Dipper, making him shield himself by putting his arms out to reduced it. Things are turning black and white mixed with grey colors, everything except himself are freezing in place. Not moving an inch.

A sudden laugh is getting louder and louder, realizing the summoning has worked.

"Well, well, well! That was quick, I knew you're smart enough to crack this case!" Bill let out a smirk. He dropped down to the floor, leaning forward while holding onto his signature cane.

"Where's my sister, you demon?!" The young teen shouted, gritting his teeth. His fists slowly shakes. "I'm not telling you what you want to know unless you give Mabel back!"

The yellow lad only rolled his eye. "Relax, kid. She's fine. I'll bring her back once you tell me the answers I've been seeking."

Dipper glared at the demon before him, silently letting out a frustration sigh. "You mention something about your brother before, but what I'm telling you is nothing but the truth: we have never, in our lives, have met him-"

"Don't you toy with me, Pinetree!" Bill instantly made the mortal float with his powers, a flash of anger suddenly came over him. "I know for damn sure you're telling me, once again, some more lies!"

"I'm not! And I can prove it!"

He let Dipper go as he watch him fall down on the floor, coughing up for some air before bringing his Journal out from his jacket.

Bill's eye widen. "W-Where did you-"

"It doesn't matter where I find it." He waved it off. "I just thought that this is convenient enough for both of us to find, hopefully, your answers." Dipper started flipping through the pages, Bill only can watch for now until the mortal brought up a certain page in front of the dream demon.

"This, right here, mentions about a possible different dimensions throughout out entire world. Including us."

The Demon didn't reach out to the book, he's reading through everything on the page infront of him.

With hesitation, he raise his hands to snap his fingers. Mabel appeared out of thin air and was drop down the floor. The twin brother shove the journal to Bill and immediately went over to his sister.

"Hey! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!"

The girl smiled warmly before putting her hands on his shoulders. "Dipper, I'm okay, really. I wasn't tortured or anything."

The twins hug each other tightly.

Bill, on the other hand, has his mind running a mile. Millions of thoughts came across to his mind with the new found information.

The one thing that got stuck the most is the fact that Pinetree is innocent and was telling the truth the entire time.

He grunted in frustration, catching the twins' attention.

The last thing he wants is to apologize. He's too stubborn to admit that he was the wrong.

He wasn't use to this sucky feeling.

"I... I apologize  for making a ruckus..." Bill grumbled, but was still clear enough for them to hear.

Dipper just glared at the demon. "Well, you should be! Do you even have a brain?! I thought being immortal means endless knowledge!"

The yellow hair glared back. "Ha?! What the hell?! You calling me stupid, kid?!"

"I'm just saying that you should at least listen to that person first before going around and kidnapping people!"

"I'm a demon, I got no morals, kid! That's just how it's always been for me!" He started jabbing his cane towards Dipper's shoulders. "It's how I get things what I wanted, whenever I want and need. Something you will never understand."

"Alright you two, enough!" Mabel yelled out, putting herself in between the two guys in the room.

She pointed at Dipper. "He apologize." She then pointed at Bill. "You upheld your promise."

Out of nowhere, she hit the two in the head with a rolled up paper randomly.  "Both of you quit yapping already!"

"Ow! Mabel!"

"Did a mortal like you just hit me-?!"

"Don't make me do it again! I don't care if you're a god of mayhem or whatever!" She said once more, raising up the weapon to seem more threatened. The two males just nodded in stubbornly way.

Bill glared once more before looking at the book once more. Part of him was glad, knowing that he now has a chance to find his brother. Saving him, and rightfully getting revenge.

But the other part, he realized that he doesn't know anything when it comes to it. He may have live so many years, so many centuries or even decades, the last thing he didn't know or even heard about is this so called Alternate Universes.

If that's so, his brother could literally be anywhere in the dimension other than this one.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized he needed help.

And once again, his pride wouldn't let him. But he has to, doesn't he?

What's worse, he already know who to ask.

Bill sighed loudly, rubbing his face in frustration.

"Pinetree. Shooting Star, I think I need your help."

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