Chapter 4: Ready for school.

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((A/n: thank you to the two who have asked me to update. One was in the beginning of December and the other was beginning of January. You do not understand how much that makes me happy. Also, a shout out to HannaBudder(sorry if i spelled it wrong). She gave me an idea. Your idea will be in the next chapter. I promise.))

The next thing I could recall that happened was meeting my aunt who i have not seen since i was young. She stared at me. Her brown hair was tied in a bun. Her blue eyes shinned as bright as ever. Sometimes i envied how beautiful this woman was. I envied almost everyone. They were all beautiful compared to me.

"Hello (Name). It has been a while. My my you have grown," Hope said to me. I smiled lightly and nodded. "You need to come meet my husband. Then maybe you can meet my son, Matthias. He was the one you talked to on the phone."

<Matthias Pov>

I walked up to my friends and smiled, "NEW STUDENT! Dont ask vhat gender, but my step sis brought her home today from ze airport.(yea.... Screw accents. Can write them 0.0). This will be awesome!" I fist bumped the air.

I saw that both were staring into a direction not even caring what i was saying. "HEY!! Awesome king talking here."

"ja ja ja. Whatever. Hot chick alert," my best friend, Gilbert, told me.

I stared at him and mumbled, "so its a girl..." I looked up, "LATER! Ima go meet my long lost cousin!!" I ran off to my house.

"WAIT!! YOUR COUSIN?!?!" I heard voices say in a distance.

<Anya/Alicia's pov. It will probably stay in hers for a while too.>

I smiled as i watched (Name) and my mom talk. I heard the door slam open. I yelled, "GAWD DAMMIT DANE! Do you need me to call norge!" (Name) looked over to me funny. Then dumb idiot finally saw her and ran to her hugging her.

"SO YOUR FEMALE! Awesome. Not as awesome as Gil, but still awesome. Though it would have been awesomer if you were female. And remember i am-OW!" The dane was talking before mor hit him with a newspaper role. I laughed as (name) looked at all of them.

(Name) finally spoke up, "c-can you let me go now?" Matthias obeyed and released the girl. "I am (full name) it is a pleasure to meet you." She was so shy right now. Not surprised. She did not know anyone but mor.

"Matthias. Dont you need to go do some homework?" Mor asked. Matthias groaned and walked up to his room. "And you too young missy. Dont you have homework?"


"Good. Go show your cousin around town then. And buy her a uniform too."

"Alright mor. Come on (name). Lets go." I grabbed her hand and dragged her off to town. "FIRST STOP! Clothing store." I heard a groan behind me and laughed. I pulled her in.

-Timeskip to tomorrow. Your pov-

I groaned as i heard the alarm clock ring. It has been a while since i have heard one. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It was pretty blank and regular. The walls were painted a light blue. The carpet was black. There was a white dresser and a tv. A black desk. And the bed i was in. I got up and swung my legs over the bed.

"Another day. Another insult." I said. I knew i was going to get bullied. I was ugly and the new kid. I walked to my closet and grabbed the school uniform(left). I put the clothes on not even bothering to shower. I put my hair in a ponytail then rubbed my eyes. I walked over to the full body black mirror. I looked in it. The jacket covers all of the scars on my arms and the socks cover the ones on my legs. Maybe i will be able to get some friends.

"Time for make-up!" Someone yelled behind me. This caused me to jump and spin around. I sighed when i saw it was Anya. She continued, "it is a new school and we want you to look your best!" I sighed knowing i could not get out of this.

After about 30 minutes, my face felt stiff. Anya held me a mirror and said, "you look so cute!" I grabbed the mirror. When i looked in it i did not even see myself.

All of my pimples were gone and i had an even skin tone. My lips were shinning. My eyes had a small bit of red and black eyeshadow with some eyeliner. My eyelashes looked full. She even did my hair. It was now in two small pigtails that went down my chest. They had a bit of curl to it. I did not even recognized myself. A small smile came on my lips. Sure i was not a fan of skirts or make-up, but why not a fresh start.

I got up and put the mirror down. I looked around and Anya was no where in sight. I walked around my room for a bit before deciding to go downstairs. I saw Hope making breakfast. Then i saw Matthias sleeping at the table. I laughed lightly at this. "So this is what it is like," i mumbled to myself. I walked to the front door and grabbed my shoes. I walked back to the kitchen and said, "i am going now."

"No you are not." Hope said to me. My face showed confusion. "You arent going until you eat. Your almost just skin and bones. You need the food."

"Not hungry," I told my aunt. My stomach then betrayed me and growled.

"Sit and eat," Hope said to me. I sighed in defeat and walked over there. I sat down as my aunt put a plate that consisted of a danish pastry, some eggs, and a glass of AJ. I began to eat it. I then heard a groan. I looked up to see Matthias finally waking up. He mumbled something in Danish as he opened his eyes. I laughed lightly.

"What time is it mor?" Matthias asked sleepily.

"6:42 Matthias," i responded as he looked at me.

"Mor when did you become so... Young?"

*cue the laughter of reader-chan*

I was laughing when he said it. I clutched my stomach. I responded, "I'm not you mor Matthias. I am your cousin."

Matthias blinked a few times and said, "i have a cousin? What country are you then?"

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "country? What the hell are you talking about Matthias?"

"Uh..... Nevermind. Oh yeah... I remember now. Oops. So how are you this hell of a morning (name?)," Matthias asked me.

I was still laughing as i responded, "i am a-okay." I got up and grabbed my plate walking to the kitchen putting it in the sink.

I walked back to the dining area to see Matthias asleep again. I laughed lightly. I walked to the front door once more and left. My heart began to pound. What if the new school kids didn't like me like my old school.

I crossed a street. Luckily for me, school was only a small walk from my new house. A frown played on my lips as i thought how i would be hated again at this school. My last school did not like me. What makes me think this school would.

Abusive affection. (Hetalia fan-fic) Moved to greennopolyWhere stories live. Discover now