'...So really this theory from Helen Keller is all about- watch out!' he shouted, frantic as the breaks screeched at a red light. His hand pressed hard against the dashboard and a few strays of hair in his face.

'Are you okay?' you asked him. He licked his lips gingerly.

'I'm fine...' he said, a little lost for breath. Turning amber, you lifted the handbrake and hummed forward again.

'I'm sorry about that,' you alleged, concentrating on the road more than ever. Spencer was fragile and you forgot that.

'It's okay,' he said, still a little shaken, but he wiped the hair from his face and relaxed back in his seat.

'You were telling me about Helen Keller?' you looked at him for a moment and grinned; he smiled back, knowing he'd perked you up and spoke again for the remainder of the ride. On arrival at the house of Henry Mayer's mother, you shut the door with a little less force as Reid stepped upon the porch, knocking on the mesh door.

'What do you want?' asked a wrinkled old lady, a small, lone looking woman who had a rather hooked chin and beady expression planted on her face.

'Hi, ma'am, we're with the FBI. We'd like to ask you some questions regarding your son, Henry,' Spencer said, producing his badge.

'May we come in?' you moved the investigation along. Time was not to be lost, psychotic killers could kill anyone at any time, and without a real pattern or type found in the victimology, this woman's son was a serious threat. She rolled her lips forward and shut the door and from the other side, could be heard undoing many chains. Spencer hinted a glance towards you, and you walked inside the rickety old shack first.

[ 'And what do we do when we come inside?' she bent down and smiled at you. 'We wash our hands and take our shoes off, Mommy!' 'And what do we do with the door?' 'We lock it, so the bad guys don't get in!' 'That's right, Genie. Gosh, you are so smart, you know that don't you?' ]

Following the smaller lady, you surveyed the small house. It was old, on first glance, looked almost abandoned and was incredibly filthy. She was wearing a mouldy looking nightgown and some faded lilac slippers, a hole on the bottom; not that you saw, but the way she favoured her left side led you to believe she didn't want any stones impaling her foot. Something just wasn't sitting right, and Spencer looked like he felt it too; you opened a drawer by the entrance and saw a revolver sat staring back at you, looking as if it was cleaned every day. Spencer saw you staring into the drawer and came over, whispering something to you.

'Ma'am may I ask why you have this?' you queried, genuinely confused why an old woman would possess such a thing. Who even used revolvers anymore?

'You have no idea,' she started, 'Sometimes, Henry would become violent. He would get mad- he would explode. I had to protect myself at the worst of times, but I couldn't live with it- him anymore. So, I sent him away to that place. When he got out, I cleaned my only chance of survival, not knowing if he'd come back for me. He doesn't like guns,' she cursed under her breath.

'Beck,' Spencer said and angled a framed photograph on the mantelpiece. It was clearly Henry, her only son, next to an older woman. Maybe in her thirties, who was holding a certificate; they were smiling.

'That was his teacher back in the 7th grade. Jessica Parsons. He used to talk about her all the time. She was his only comfort,' she frowned. You turned away and dialled your phone.

'JJ, I think we have our next victim.'

'Garcia get me a location to where Jessica Parsons was employed. It should be a school,' you made haste.

'I am working my magic, darling. Aha, it's sent to all of your GPSs now.'

'Thanks, Penelope,' received you a, 'No problem, sugar.'

You grabbed Reid and met JJ outside of the conference room where Hotch, Morgan and Rossi were delivering a briefing; the cops in the area still needed to know, didn't they? In any case, it was a Sunday, and you knew that if Henry was to target Jessica Parsons, it would be where he found most comfort in her. The school. Before you were 100% sure and entitled Morgan to kick down the door of her family home, you would tell the team how this woman linked to the rest of the unsub's behaviour. Reid left the corridor to help Prentiss link up and cross section all ideas from the board. JJ was fiddling with her hair when you noticed it.

'Oh my god,' you said, turning your mouth into the shape of an O, 'He proposed?'

She smiled and stared at her hand, giggling in amusement, 'Yeah, he did!' she jumped on the spot and hugged you. At least someone was having a good day. She looked at you again.

'Ah, but don't tell anyone, especially him, that you know, okay?'

'Okay!' dimples creased the corners of your cheeks as you were overjoyed for her. Ecstatic.

               Morgan nonchalantly beckoned the two of you in, where Spencer and Prentiss had already got to, and you all listened in. They were clearly professionals at delivering the briefing and everyone on the team agreed. Reid pulled out his phone and excused himself, choking on a cough a little, and you followed him. He was perched on the steps outside of the building, scratching his head; you sat beside him.

'Is everything okay?' you asked, rubbing his shoulder.

'It's my mom. She's deteriorating,' he squinted.

'Oh, Spence. Do you need to go?' you asked, genuinely.

'No,' he said, sure of his decision, 'She gets worse every day. They just ring and remind me from time to time,' he sorrowed until Prentiss made the two of you look around.

'They need us.'

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