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     Akiyama texts a group chat with everyone. 'Hey I heard that there's somewhere with a water fall and you can swim it's supposed to be really pretty I was thinking of eating there and everything. So bring extra food towels and wear a swimsuit.' Everyone replied with an okay and some started to talk about other things to bring on the hike.

     They all met up at 6 in the morning with backpacks full of things they needed. "Here Haruto can you hold the extra water?" Akiyama asks and Haruto takes the bag from her. "Thanks a lot." Akiyama says and grabs a basket with a blanket and sweet with sandwiches. "Hey Angel Face." Bakugo says and Uraraka turns around. "Yeah?" Uraraka asks and Bakugo pins a moon with a shooting star pin in her hair. Uraraka smiles and hugs him. "Thanks Katsuki!" Uraraka says. "Come on love birds we have to get going." Jiro says. "At least we show we're a couple what about you and Kaminari huh?" Uraraka asks and Jiro blushes, "There's nothing like that between us." Uraraka smirks, "Why were you two looking at each other during the concert and before you two were dancing and hanging out." Uraraka jokes. "Let's just go." Jiro says.

     Once they started on a path they were talking for about an hour. "I wonder how close we are to it." Izuku says. "I hope we're close this is tiring." Alya says. "Yeah I hope we're close." Marinette says. "It's probably another ten minutes till we're there." Akiyama says. "We should take a break." Adrien says. "Yeah let's take a break." Uraraka says. "I'm down." Mina says and every stops under a tree. They all talked and hung out happily. After about 5 minutes they all decided to get up and start walking again. "I wonder if we can make it to the top!" Denki says. "We're only a quarter of the way there that would take forever. Though we do have all day don't we." Akiyama says. "I think we can do it!" Jiro says. "Yeah let's make it to the top!" Izuku says. "Let's hope we have enough water and food for that." Haruto says. "It's been an hour and we haven't even used any of the extra stuff so I think we're okay for now." Akiyama says.

     "Wait guys I think it's back here." Akiyama says as she hears water flowing. "Behind these vines?" Uraraka asks and Akiyama nods and goes through. "Wait for me!" Mina says and follows after her. Everyone else follows the girls they pushed through vines and branches and made it to an open area. They all stood in awe taking in the beautiful scenery. There was a huge waterfall into a big pond, there was rocks that you could sit on in the pond. There were Sakura trees growing around and the blossoms falling there was a rope to swing into the water. There was a rock with different layers  and a rope going up to the top that you could jump from. "It's beautiful." Marinette says and everyone agrees. "What are we waiting for? Come on! I'm hungry." Mina says and takes the basket from Akiyama she sets down the huge blanket and Akiyama helps her take out the sandwiches and sweets. Everyone sits around after grabbing a sandwich, apple, and cookie. "When we're done here does anyone want to have a sleepover?" Alya asks. The girls tell her they'll be there. Nino then explains that there's a boy sleepover next to the girls room and the boys agree to go. (They got Monday and Tuesday with no school.)

     After Mina ate she pulled Kirishima to stand up and took off her pink shirt and jean shorts to reveal the pink swimsuit she had on. Kirishima did the same taking off his red shirt and black shorts showing the red swim shorts him keeping on the chain necklace. "Let's go to the top of the rock and jump." Mina says. "Yeah let's go!" Kirishima says and Mina grabs his hand and they run to the rope. 

     "Come on Marinette." Alya says and takes off her red shirt to reveal the black swimsuit top. Marinette blushes when taking off the white t-shirt and her jean shorts showing the dark blue swimsuit. "What about your shorts Alya?" Marinette says when she gets pulled to the water. "I brought extra!" Alya says and they jump in the water. Jiro does the same taking off her purple shirt and shorts showing the purple swimsuit and waiting for Denki to finish taking off his yellow shirt and shorts to reveal the yellow swim shorts. 

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