"Catherine you really amuse me,the man who abadoned you is suddenly back and you are ready to take him back,who does that?"Dike asked her.

"It's none of your business Dike,just get out of my office" Catherine yelled at him.

"I swear this is just the beginning"Dike swore and shrugged off the hands of the security men.

George was curled up in a corner,the major injury he had was the stab he got as a result of the bottle.

"Oh my God, George"Catherine cried,she quickly took her clothes and applied pressure on the wound.

"Let me take you to the hospital"Catherine offered. He tried suppressing his grunts but Catherine knew he was in serious pain.

"No,just take me home,I have a first aid box there"George said in between grunts. Dike had stabbed him close to his shoulder so he couldn't drive.

"But..."Catherine tried to protest

"It's nothing serious Catherine, honestly"He assured her.

His sweater was already soaked with blood and so Catherine led him through the back door and led him to his car.
She drove them and George only spoke when he had to give directions.

Finally they got to his house and Catherine led him to the couch. His house was beautiful no doubt. The couches were all red,the living room itself had a red theme.

Then came the marble floors and up to date sound system and electronics.

The first aid box was there in the sitting room,so Catherine quickly got to work, cleaning his wounds and bandaging it.

"It's not really deep like I thought,you should be fine in 3 days, make sure you go to a hospital to always clean the wound,ok?"Catherine ordered.

"Yes ma'am"George replied. They were sitting so close to the couch and when Catherine noticed, she tried moving away but George came closer.

"I think I'll be on my way now"Catherine announced. The air seemed hotter in the room and she really wanted to be away from George.

She stood up and made for the door but George was faster,he caught up with her and yanked her hand but not roughly.

"Where are you going Catherine,I still have to tell you what happened abroad"George told her and watched her expressionless face.

"You need to rest George, maybe tomorrow"
But George wasn't moving,only then did she realize that was trapped between him and a wall and he was dangerously close to her.

"You have to move back a little"She told him in a quiet voice.

"Why?Am perfectly comfortable standing here"He moved even closer and Catherine realized she had to either look at his face or his hot body since he was no longer wearing a shirt.

"George"She tried to make her voice stern but noticed her voice was failing her. Her heart was thumping loudly against her chest and his eyes kept lingering on her lips.

"George, please..."She tried to say again but she was cut short by soft lips pressed against hers. She couldn't believe she was kissing him,her mind tried warning her but her flesh was weak.

With his hand round her waist,her hands working on both his body and hair,she could hear the suppressed moan he was holding.

This time,she was fully pressed against the wall, their tongues working wonders and her body getting tingles at every touch.

She was lost in the feeling until he pulled away from her.

She suddenly felt ashamed,what was she thinking when she kissed him,why didn't she push him away.

She was pulled out of her train of thoughts when George started talking.

"I started school of course,I had a house all on my own and i still kept in touch with you and all that. Then I met Jerry,a white boy, I took him in without my parent's consent,I never knew the dude was into drugs"

George went to the bar and poured himself some vodka and moved to the couch. He had two glasses in hand just in case Catherine decided to have a sip.

"Jerry was a drug dealer and one day,the police came to my house and found the huge amount of drugs in my house, Jerry was nowhere to be found and what can I do or say,I was just a black guy and a Nigerian,those white people see blacks as nothing but criminals"

George paused for a while.

"I was arrested,no through investigations,to them there was no need for all that. I was thrown into prison and my life changed"

"I saw life in another way, people who had no ambition anymore. I was bullied and at a point one day,those guys tried to rape me,I spent 2 good years before Jerry was found and he confessed"

This time Catherine was already seating close to him.

"My dad tried all he could to help me but unfortunately,he met stiff opposition,he realized that place wasn't Nigeria where he could pull few strings. I left prison trumatised. All the pain,fighting,bad food,crazy people which i was totally not used to. I under went therapy for a year before I could finally start schooling again"

"Honestly,it's totally not my fault,my dad suggested it would be better if few people knew of my ordeal,in fact only my dad,mum and Natasha knows what happened abroad.  My dad made sure I didn't contact anyone in Nigeria until I finished schooling"

"Am really sorry Catherine"George whispered but Catherine held him close.

"I have nothing against you George,I thought you didn't want me again"

"Never,I always want you,no, I need you and am not sorry about the kiss we just shared"

Catherine grinned widely and drew George into a hug,she was a sucker for hugs,he relaxed in her arms and with love, Catherine watched as he dozed off.

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