Chapter 3

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Taylor's P.O.V
I wanted to show him something. Something I have never showed anyone. I started walking into the mist/fog. I turned around to make sure he was there. He was there alright. He seemed....distant and distracted. He was saying something but I couldn't here. I heard a scream. I saw a light in the distance then I sensed something behind me but then...I blacked out.
Orlando's P.O.V
I wake up and see Taylor next to me, still unconscious. I hear someone walk in the room, where me and Taylor are currently tied up in. I turn my attention to this person. It was a girl with black hair,amber eyes, and really pale skin. I knew what she was. She had to be a werewolf or vampire. She faced me and smiled evilly."why. Hello there! Sorry to have tied up you and your girlfriend! Dont worry! Nothing will happen to her. Only you will be MY meal" she said. Yep. She's a vampire. Then suddenly Taylor jerked her head up, hitting it on the wall. She groaned."Taylor!" The girl exclaimed, while walking over to her and taking off her ropes."Janet?" She said while looking up at Janet." Yup! Long time no see since the...incident" she said. Taylor nodded understanding."oh! Taylor! I didn't know you had a boyfriend! I thought you were just to mature for that and that you go solo. Which is why you left us..." Janet said....
Taylor's P.O.V
It's been so long (get it? Like the five nights at Freddy's song? No. Ok then keep reading amigos) since I saw Janet. She became my best friend when I joined the vampire's. I may not be a vampire, but they worshipped me for some reason. I never knew why. They don' much. I left because I wanted to start doing good. Then I moved out of town a couple days later. I shook my head, going back into reality. " um....which boyfriend?" I asked confused. I did NOT have a boyfriend."oh silly! He is right there!" She said pointing at Orlando. I blushed considering she thought we were together. "Um Janet. I just met him. I moved into town a couple hours ago." I replied. Her eyes widen. She looked at me with her amber eyes. "Do you know where it is?" She questioned. I nodded, perfectly understanding what she meant. She was talking about the temple, the temple of darkness....
(Thats the end of this one! Well im sick so im extremely sorry for not updating ANYTHING! At all! Plus I have school :/ well as always BAYAS!)

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