20. To bets and new beginnings !

Start from the beginning

"Saturday at eight ?" he whispered in her ear and she nodded, face redder than ever before.

"Well aren't you two just the cutest. Careful, if you keep making her blush she'll stay red forever."

Alexander burst out laughing. "Yes, sometimes I wonder if she'll explode..." He jerked back slightly when Asterin whacked his shoulder.

"Anyway," she said turning to face her drink. "Any plans for the future ? Aramith, are you thinking about abandoning your... current occupation for something more stable ?" And less illegal, she thought as she took a sip.

The thief looked up from her empty glass.

"No way... My job is very stable ! What's wrong with you ?" She climbed on the counter with difficulty. "I'm Aramith Selwyn, the one and only, the best pickpocket of the country !"

Elisabeth stood up and somehow pulled Aramith down from the bar, she had to partly had to wrestle the other woman but eventually managed to force her to sit back down on the stool.

"Please don't make a fool of yourself, we come to this bar often and I don't want our reputation tarnished." She scrunched up her freckled nose. "And you're better than this, at least that's what I was lead to hope."

Asterin looked over to Aramith with a raised eyebrow. "I do not know how you even manage to remain a thief and actually steal things if you continuously brag about it..."

"Well it's because I'm the best, dumb*ss ! Do you even listen to what I say ?!"

Asterin set her glass on the counter with a soft thud. "Do not think that because you are drunk, I won't retaliate, Selwyn." she said with a smirk.

"Play nice ladies. This is intended to be a celebration of our victory, not a battle of wits. Although we all know Asterin would win that kind of combat."

"Thank you, dear." the white haired woman replied with a smug look in Aramith's direction.

"I am offended !" She gasped. "You, all of you... You don't believe me, don't you ?" Aramith collapsed in tears on the drinks on the counter.

"I have no doubt of your abilities, sadly you are quite drunk. Also yes, Asterin is right, you brag a lot, you'd have to become more secretive to be better." Lis awkwadly gave Aramith a pat on the back.

"I don't want your pity, you legal woman ! You don't know what the magnificent me has been through !"

"And you don't know what I've been through. Hence we are on equal grounds. So please, be kind to everyone including yourself and shut your mouth before adding something you may regret," Lis smiled politely.

"Are you insinuating that I would regret something I say ?" She managed to ask between her sobs. "Never ! I regret nothin', I'm proud of everythin' I do, or say, or steal !"

"Alright !" exclaimed Alexander before anyone could reply to her. "Lis what future cases do you see yourself going after ?"

She took a deep breath and a sip of alcohol. "I'm thinking of quitting actually."

Asterin almost choked. Alexander patted her back as she turned to her friend, still coughing up her drink. "Excuse me, what ?"

"I was," she paused, "considering opening my own P.I agency."

"Really ?" Alexander's eyes widened in surprise. "Sick of Scotland Yard ?"

"Sick of some people's ways. In need of more... Independence. Let's say that."

"Where would you install your office ? Your apartment ?"

"No... I never sold my dad's old place. I think I could use it, it would be quite symbolic too."

Asterin smiled fondly over to Lis. "Well, I am happy for you. I have no doubt, you will be amazing at it."

"Actually... Well how do I put this... I was hoping I could somehow convince you to join me on my foolish quest to create my own business."

Asterin's eyebrows shot up. "I... did not expect that..." she laughed incredulously.

Elisabeth held a hand up, "Oh obviously you don't have to say yes, I simply wanted to put it out there."

Asterin stared at her glass for a moment, absently twirling the liquid in in. She had never thought of herself working outside of Scotland Yard, and frankly she did not even know how to process the offer. She had strived for so long to rise through the ranks and become the best detective possible, it was hard to imagine doing something else. But where had that lead her ? Perhaps it was time to think not in terms of the success of a new position in the police would grant her but in comfort and enjoyment.

"You know what ? Why not ? Scotland Yards is getting old, and boring..." she said brightly, turing to look at her friend.

"Really ? You would do that ? Because it's not going to be easy. It takes time and effort and months, maybe years of struggling to make a name of yourself. I don't exactly plan on dragging one of my only friends into financial and emotional ruin..."

"Oh please," Asterin said with a smirk. "My brother is a drug addict who was suspected of murder, I can take emotional ruin." she laughed. "Besides, I think I would like a change."

"Fair warning, I intend to extend the offer to Selwyn," she waved in the direction of the partly passed-out woman, "when she is sober that is."

"Sounds promising..." Alexander replied, after taking a sip of his glass.

"Mhm... I also plan on forcibly dragging James into this. I thought you," she turned to Asterin, " would prefer to know who your hypothetical colleagues would be before agreeing."

"You know I do not mind James, and Aramith clearly needs to learn a thing or two about hygiene, so I suppose it is an opportunity..."

"So... You really want to do this ?"

"Yes, I do." Asterin elbowed Alexander in the ribs. "That way, we won't be fighting over promotions..."

"Oh no ! Those were the best fights of my life !" he exclaimed with a chuckle and Asterin rolled her eyes.

"Hey, you ! What are you mumbling to each other ! I need attention !"

"Don't worry we'll tell you tomorrow, once you're quite sober."

"Well I'll let you know that I'm quite sober already ! Tell me now."

"No I think we should all head home now..."

Aramith whined pathetically as she struggled against Elisabeth's attempts to get her on the floor.

The door of the pub closed behind them, they all stepped in the cold of the night. Most walked away into different directions knowing full well that their paths would cross once more, probably the very next day.

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