Man: "Sorry, sorry."

Brady: "I agreed to the tuxes, but horses?"

Kyle: "It was supposed to be a surprise."

Brayd: "It was."

Callie: "Okay. Yeah. Looks like l-4 and l-5 are affected. Page Shepherd. All right, let's get him ready for CT. Sir, I need you outta here now."

Kyle: "I want to stay with him. I have a right to stay with him."

Callie: "Avery, get him outta here now."

Jackson: "Move." he bumps into the guy again 

Man: "Sorry."

Callie: "Oh, my g...okay, everybody out. Now. Now! Before I have to take someone out." she snaps making Owen and Sky exchange a look before looking back at their work

Arizona: "I mean, I get it. She's got a hang-up about me being perfect. You know, everything comes easy for me, and I don't have any flaws, and now that I've clearly made a mistake, ahe's just gonna pound the crap out of it."

Mark: "So you don't think you're perfect?"

Arizona: "No. I have lots of flaws. I'm competitive, I'm a workaholic, I smoke when I'm stressed. It's disgusting."

Mark: "Well, I'm sure she'd love to hear all those, along with any other real faults you come up with."

Alex: "Uh, Sarah Cassidy, 15, has a rare genetic condition called treacher collins syndrome...which caused her to be born without cheekbones, leaving her orbital floor unprotected, and vulnerable to eye injury."

Sarah: "Which means the only extracurriculars I can sign up for are the ones that don't involve things flying at my face."

Woman: "She rocks the chess club."

Sarha: "I just want to play sports."

Man: "You bowl, honey."

Sarah: "Not really a sport, dad."

Mark: :You, uh, you mind if I take a look?"

Arizona: "Sarah, we're going to take pieces from your skull and transplant them into your face to rebuild new cheekbones. Do you have any questions or concerns?"

Sarah: "Volleyball tryouts are in two months. Can I tryout?"

Arizona: "Wow. A volleyball player." she says as they exit Sarah's room

Mark: "Digging into her skull will tack on an extra year of healing, you know?"

Arizona: "Well, maybe she'll play in a couple of years, then."

Mark: "Well, did you consider the stem cell surgery they did in Cincinnati using a cadaver bone graft?"

Arizona: "Oh, it's too experimental."

Mark: "I think it's worth considering given her age."

Arizona: "I think considering her age, it's best to be conservative. I'll see you in surgery."

Derek: "I'm worried about his neck. I don't think he should be intubated with a cervical injury."

Callie: "Well I could do a little traction. Snap it back in before we do surgery."

Owen: "Hell of a wedding day." he sighs 

Sky: "Mm." she hums in agreement

Man: "They say if you want to piss off God, just tell him your plans." he suddenly says beside them making the attendings look at him confused

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