War Times

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August 15, 1413

My dearest,

I wish you all the best and hope you are well. The weather has been a challenge but the men are keeping up their good spirit. I feel like I am well fitted for my position and have only been given promising words thus far. You know I cannot tell you where we are if the letter is intercepted but know that for now I am out of harm's way and you need not to worry about me.

I have to keep this letter short, otherwise it will not be sent until next week. Please know that I long for you constantly. Keep me in your prayers like you are in mine.

With all my love


October 5, 1413

My dearest,

I hope you are well. Thank you for your letter and the flower. I keep it in my coat pocket so it is always with me wherever I go. Do not worry about me getting hurt about you being summoned by the King. It does not please me that you shared his bed, especially not when I was not at court, but I know you were only doing your duty. You are the most captivating woman at court and I would be a fool to believe that His Majesty would not want you by his side. As long as I know that I am the only man that has your heart, I shall be happy.

The conditions have altered since I last wrote to you. The rain has come and it has been difficult. I almost can't write to you now since the paper is too wet and the letters keep getting destroyed. I try to keep my spirits up but it is getting more difficult than I could have imagined. The only thing that does lift my spirits these days is the memory of you. If I close my eyes I can see your face so clearly. I can recall your sweet perfume. I hope my memory won't let me down until I can touch you again.

I miss you my love. I am praying as often I can for your health and our reunion.

With all my love


November 11

My love,

I cannot spare many moments but I wanted to let you know I am well. Please know I think of you always. You are my only light in this horrid darkness.

December 22, 1413

My dearest,

I am sorry I have not written. Did you reply to my latest letter? If you did, I am afraid it has been lost in the chaos. I miss your words and I miss you terribly. I am trying to be strong but it is getting impossible. I never pictured war this way. It is dark and so many men die around me. The only thing you smell here is urine and rotting corpses. Andrew, a good man I spoke to often, was killed in battle yesterday. He was a butcher and had a wife and an infant waiting for him in Liverpool. I cannot stop thinking of his child.

Last night I dreamt of you. It felt so very real. When I woke up on the damp floor in our tent and realised you were not there I wanted to scream. I want to feel you in my arms again. I want to get out of here.

Please keep me in your prayers. Take care of yourself until we meet again and Happy Christmas.

With all my love


Windsor Castle, Berkshire
January 1414

I let the words fill my mind and read the letter once more. I want to get out of here. The short seven word sentence makes my heart beat faster and not in a good way. I put the note on the table and see that my palms are sweating. A crippling fear washes over me and the strong conviction I had felt only a few minutes ago of us being reunited now feels like miles away. He has not even received my letter, I think in despair. The word around court was of glorious victories but Edmund's letters paint everything but a splendid existence. It actually terrifies me.

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