Start from the beginning

"This reminds me of when we all met each other in set the first time." Tanjirou nodded, leaning a little to Giyuu's personal bubble. "I was so nervous the first time as well! So many talented actors! Ah, Like you Muichirou!" Tanjirou grinned as Muichirou smiled his rare smiles, basking in Tanjirou's warmth "And to think, I was the main character!" Tanjirou leaned against his chair, "What a dream!"

Nezuko pumped both of her fists, "No Tanjirou-kun! You deserve the main role!" Tanjirou blushed as the others complimented him.

"Okay, okay! Lets continue!" and they did as they were shown more amazing fanart from talented people.

There were a lot of wholesome fanart of the Kamado sibling's characters. ("It's amazing how the role you got were also siblings as well Nezuko and Tanjirou!"

"Yeah! It was an experience to act by my sister's side!")

And the Shinazugawa siblings, ("where'd your character got the gun?" "Don't question it")

Zenitsu with his hilarious predicament with women and swordsmanship ("W-Why are most of this just my character being a crybaby?!" "Don't worry Zenitsu! You already got so much fanart of you being cool!" "SHUT IT TANJIROU! YOU GOT FANART WITH NEZUKO! WHY DON'T I HAVE THAT?" "Don't be so distressed Zenitsu, Its hard being the clown" "GAH, MUCIHIRO!")

Some of Giyuu's role looking as aloof and chill as possible ("It's scary how similar our roles are to the real actors" "They are?" "Muichiro, youre as air-headed as they come" "And youre as desperate too Zenitsu." "H-HEY"

And speaking of chill, there was also Muichiro as he had many fanart interpreting him as the mist pillar ("Wahhh, why's yours so cool" "I am cool")

Fanart of Shinobu and her "tsuguko" also appeared as well, (Ah, I wish I could save these, They'll love it!)

As well as fanart for the other actors, ("Wha? Muzan has fanart as well? But he's character is such a d-" "Nezuko, not here" "Don't worry Nezuko, I do think he is a dick too" "MUICHIRO NO"

"What the heck" Genya suddenly spoke.

It was a picture of Giyuu in formal uniform, crowding in towards a student Tanjirou, his arm bent above Tanjirou's head. Who was against the wall blushing heavily, gripping his sleeve . There was little space between them, their height difference more noticeable as Giyuu held one of Tanjirou's iconic Hanafuda earrings. It wasn't... mature, but it isn't exactly innocent either.

"My, my, my..." Shinobu whistled as Tanjirou tried to subtly hide his blush. It wasn't going so well.

"Looks like we're also having those fanarts as well" Giyuu muttered grumpily as Genya closed his eyes to erase what he just saw... like Tanjirou it also wasn't going so well.

"Lets just go to the next art!" Nezuko anxiously laughed as her finger tapped unto the arrow key. This time the art was replaced with Giyuu and Shinobu's characters locking lips together, Shinobu's hands around Giyuu's neck and hair, gripping the locks as Giyuu wrapped his arms around her waist. Art Shinobu had her eyes closed as they did 'the tongue tango' but Giyuu, however, had his eyes open, half lidded. His eyes drawn with lust. Luckily, it wasn't too steamy.

Tanjirou looked down immediently, his blush going a little brighter. Next to him Nezuko covered her face with her hand as tint of red graced her features. Giyuu slightly looked like he wanted to jump into the void. Genya REALLY looked like he wanted to jump into the void. Zenitsu was already in the void.

"So, which one is it? Tanjirou and Giyuu or Giyuu and me?" Shinobu laughed as Nezuko lightly smacked her arm. Muichiro glanced at Giyuu.

"Are you two-timing Tanjirou you talentless bi-" "OKAY LETS JUST MOVE ON" Tanjirou yelled, raising his arms to the sky as if he was asking God for strength.

Genya protest next to him, "How many more of this?" He questioned. Sadly, no one answered him.

"At least you don't get that much fanart of you being a loser" Zenitsu grumbled

This time, it was a solo picture of Nezuko. But unlike the other fanart they saw before that ranged from wholesome to fierce. (Which Nezuko happily loved, wondering if she could find those pictures in the internet to thank the artist. She knows Tanjirou would do the same so she could go with him) This one in particular was more... suggestive, It shows Nezuko in her famous Kimono, except it was ripped into shreds. Tactically covering her private areas, yet shows her snow-white legs. She looked vulnerable. As if she was ripe for the taking

Real Nezuko squeaked.

"WHA? WHATS THIS?" She squealed as she covered her mouth in her fists, her face in flames. Shinobu frowned, "isn't your character supposed to be fourteen?"

Zenitsu screeched, "THIS IS WRONG! THEY SHOULDN'T PICTURE POOR NEZUKO LIKE THIS!" Zenitsu stood up and raised his chair over his head, "DON'T WORRY NEZUKO! I'LL PROTECT YOUR DIGNITY!" Giyuu rushed over to stop Zenitsu so now theyre just struggling over each other.

Tanjirou patted his sister's back reassuringly, his eyes not daring to look at his sister in this state. He was almost ready to hunt down whoever made this. He and Zenitsu both

Giyuu answered Shinobu's question. "The internet doesn't care."

Genya decided he wanted this to be over with so he tapped the arrow key.

But boy... Big mistake.

This time... on the laptop screen... in doujinshi artform... was Genya and Sanemi shirtless. With Genya on top of Sanemi's lap,, his back arching, his face mid-moan as Sanemi littered his body with love bites, his teeth digging in where Genya's neck and shoulders meet.

Silence... the calm before the storm.

And there was a terrified girly shriek

Shinobu had a terrified look on her face and she looked absolutely traumatized. Genya rushed to the side and vomited. Tanjirou sobbed as he tried to move back on his chair. But he accidently jerked too much as gravity pulled him down. He grabbed Giyuu's to try and stop it but he, Giyuu and Zenitsu both fell back with a thud. Muichiro stood up and just left the room and Zenitsu still haven't stopped screaming.

Nezuko had enough and kicked the table, sending the laptop flying as it hit the front camera. Creating a spark. Making Zenitsu screech louder. Shattering the lights one by one as they sparked electricity. The building was probably fed up with this BS as in that moment, there was a blackout

And it was silent once again...

Muichiro's voice echoed,

"Where's the exit?"

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