"Come on, Chlo. It's only twenty minute's drive from here."

She glared at me before grumbling 'fine'.


We took a stroll down the Walk of Fame with lollipops in our mouths and arms interlocked. It was nice to see Chloe laughing and smiling again. We took selfies and begged passers-by to take our pictures. The pictures weren't sexy or glamorous but they were us. We laughed and made silly faces at the camera.

We stopped by a restaurant and ordered some seafood and sushi. I took pictures of her as she struggled to use a chopstick, laughing. I asked Chloe to take a picture of me as I took a bite from the spiced crab. I felt sauce drip down from my mouth as I savored the taste. It was delicious, beyond anything I have ever tasted.

We were extremely exhausted by the time we returned to the hotel. Our stomachs ached from laughing and our legs were sore from walking. I texted my Dad and told him I would be spending the night with Chloe before falling onto the bed. I felt the bed dip beside me as Chloe slid under the covers. We soon fell asleep, not bothering to take a shower. Thank God I had no classes tomorrow.

We spent the next two weeks shopping for furniture and home décor. Maybe moving in was stressful for some people but it was fun for me. I took my time decorating my room; when it comes to creativity I give it my best. I decorated my room with fancy frames that held beautiful quotes, posters of famous people that inspire me, and hung fairy lights and fake plants on the white walls.

Chloe wasn't herself; she was quiet. She used to talk about doing this like it was the most exciting thing on the planet. But now, she didn't seem too interested. I could tell she wasn't feeling too well from the pale look on her face and how she would stop every once in and a while. Sometimes she looked as if she might hurl.

I strategically helped her to decorate her room and forced her to take some Tylenol. I couldn't help but worry about her. I mean what kind of friend would I be if I didn't force pills down her throat?

On Friday we were done, not completely done but you could call it home now. It was a bit girly with the fairy lights and fluffy pillows and neon quotes home décor. We had a girls' night, just me, Chloe, food, and movies. We had decided to Facetime, my parents. I wanted to show off how amazing everything looked. I could tell they were glad to see Chloe was doing okay. Chloe decided to give them a virtual tour. They said they liked the apartment and that they were proud of us. My mom, as always, found something to criticize. She complained about the kitchen and asked us why the dining table looked like a stool.

We stayed up late with face scrub on our faces, talking about funny memories from senior year in high school. We talked about the time our Calculus teacher accidentally farted in class while writing on the whiteboard, it was so loud and I was sure everyone in class heard it. We couldn't stop laughing.

Saturday, I decided we should have a housewarming party, Chloe didn't like the idea especially when I brought up Grey.

"How about we don't invite anyone?" She asked walking out of the kitchen wearing a big sweater with shorts underneath. I have noticed certain changes in her, she gets moody almost every day and has been reticent about everything-- maybe it was depression. Lately, that had become one of my fears. I don't want my best friend to fall into the clutches of self-hatred or self-pity.

"How is that a party?"

"Let's have fun, just between us." She said taking a sip from whatever was inside the big mug that she held between her small hands.

I sighed, "Okay, fine."

I laughed at her and swayed my hips singing along to the lyrics of Taki Taki. I moved my shoulders to the beat while Chloe laughed.

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