"I'm home!"A voice suddenly yelled and the twins know it's their father.

"Oh, hi, I'm cooking dinner."Meryl suddenly uttered to Pierce and he looked at her.

"The twins?"Pierce immediately asked.

"They're in Gia's room."Meryl answered and she quickly walked back to the kitchen. Pierce followed her to the kitchen and heaved a deep sigh before talking.

"I need to talk to you about the project."Pierce said and she just hummed.

"The movie is being shot in LA and I also have a movie to shoot which is also in LA. I want you to be there, if it's okay with you."Pierce explained and she quickly gazed at him.

"I'll think about it."Meryl replied.

"If you're worried, don't be, Jessie will be there to help you."Pierce said and Meryl's ears perked up with the name he just mentioned.

"Jessie?The beautiful associate who is flirting with you?"Meryl asked and it made Pierce's forehead crease.

"What are you talking about?"Pierce asked.

"Nothing. It's just that, before our meeting the other day, I saw her walk out of your office with smudged lipstick and when I walked in your office, you have a lipstick on your lips and also on your collar."Meryl explained as she prepare the table.

"You will work with Jessie the associate in LA."Pierce said in a low tone before leaving the kitchen and heading to his room to change his clothes.

"Twins, dinner's ready!"Meryl suddenly yelled and she just breathed in and breathed out.

The family of four had a peaceful dinner and decided to call it a night after cleaning their mess for their trip is early in the morning.

"Mason!"A voice yelled early in the morning and it's Gianna.

"What?"Mason asked in irritation.

"Why are your clothes scattered here in the living room?!"Gianna roared and Mason heaved a deep sigh.

"I'm not yet done packing, relax."Mason said and Gianna rolled her eyeballs.

"Hey, hey, what's with the shouting?"A voice asked and it's their father.

"The living room looks like a mess and it's all Mason's clothes."Gianna answered and Pierce looked around.

"Half of that is my clothes, actually."Pierce said and Gianna did a facepalm.

"Oh, my goodness!"Gianna blurted out and Pierce and Mason laughed.

"It's not funny, our place looks like garbage."Gianna uttered.

"Woah, relax, we'll pack our clothes now."Pierce said and Gianna just rolled her eyeballs before heading to their kitchen.

"What's the matter over there?"Meryl, who is cooking breakfast, asked.

"Their things are scattered in the living room, there are clothes on the sofa, on the floor, on the coffee table."Gianna answered and she started helping her mom cook their meal.

"Just don't stress much about them. They're boys."Meryl said and Gianna just heaved a deep sigh.

They all had a quick breakfast and immediately headed to their van for their 2-hour long drive.

"Mom, dad, can I ask something?"Gianna suddenly asked as she settle on her seat.

"What is it, sweetheart?"Meryl asked.

"How long did you and dad dated?"Gia asked and the two's eyes went round.

"Y-you mean before we uhmm got married?"Meryl asked and Pierce who is driving quickly gazed at her.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots):Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now