Chapter Three

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The last thing I remember is the night sky, I must of fell asleep while laying in the grass with Jake.It must be like nine in the morning.Jake was still asleep beside me, he must of fell asleep when I did.I started thinking about mom, she was probably worried to death about me.I've never been out all night in the forest.I decided to stay here until he woke up and then I would go home.I hoped my mom wasn't going to kill me for being out all night, but I know she will.I sat there and waited for Jake to wake up, it took an eternity for him to get up.He got up and I told him I had to go home to my mom.I started turning around when he grabbed my arm and told me if I would meet him after school tomarrow.Well of course I said yes, me and him are almost exactly alike and to be honest I'm actually falling in love.It might sound crazy because last night was the first time I ever talked to him.But it just feels right with him beside me.He finally let me go home and when I got there my mom was sitting in the chair glaring at me.I can explain I told her but before I tell her she explodes.I told you to be hear before ten every night and you come back the next day!Mom.No!I don't want you in the forest ever again.You worried me to death.Mom, you don't have to be so mean.I don't want to hear it Rita, go to your room,now!I did as I was told and if she thinks I'm never going to the forest she's wrong.Im going with Jake tomarrow and I'm not coming back.

From Life, to FantasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora