Chapter 1

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Allison's POV
I sat in the middle between Bode and Kinsey. I had my headphones on and I was listening to music and staring off into space blocking out the world around me. I was startled when I felt a tap on my knee. I took my headphones off and looked forward to see Tyler looking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked softly.

"You seriously haven't been listening to anything, besides your music have you?" Kinsey asked not looking up from her art.

"It's a bit hard to listen to music through headphones and then listen to the world at the same time" I said looking at her then back at Tyler.

"Okay what have I missed?" I asked ignoring Kinsey for now.

"We're just playing serious question and I want to make sure you were alright" Tyler said softly. I nodded with a tiny smile, but we all knew it was a lie. We all weren't okay.

"Serious question Alli, if you had to lose a sense what would it be?" He asked, I thought for a moment I wouldn't want to lose sight or sound, losing either of those would be terrifying.....

"Taste, because then you can eat anything you want. Even if you don't like it" I said. Bode nodded and I could hear Tyler chuckle.

"I definitely wouldn't want to lose my sense of smell, smell is tied to memory. When your father and I would sell a house, we'd grind up a lemon in the garbage disposal. Covers the smell of paint, no one likes the smell of paint. But everyone.... everyone has a good memory of a lemon" Nina said.

I placed my headphones back on and fell asleep. I was rocked awake, I looked up and saw we were in Matheson.

"Who wants ice cream?" Nina asked.

"Me!" Bode exclaimed happily, I smiled and felt the car stop.

"You're kidding right?" Tyler asked.

We all got out and walked to the ice cream store, I had a mint choc-chip ice cream and then sat at a table with Bode and Ty. The guy Kinsey was talking to knew the Locke name and somehow knew about Rendell. We walked out back to the car and drove to our new home.

I could see the house up in the distance, it looked super nice and pretty. I'm a big fan of old houses, they've got history and a nice look to them. Nina pulled up and we got out. I zipped my jacket up and placed my hands in my pockets and stood with the others and looked at the house.

"Whoa, are we rich?" Bode asked amazed.

"I don't know if I'd say rich, so much as very lucky kids." Nina said.

"Yeah, I feel so lucky" Kinsey said sarcastically.

"It's bigger than the pictures, it's also a little more Norman Bates" Tyler said. I looked at him hiding my snicker.

"How come dad never brought us here?" Kinsey asked.

"He said it was a depressing shithole that wasn't fit for derelicts" Tyler said causing Nina to look at him.

"Paraphrasing" he said and Nina looked away.

"Hey! Welcome to Key House!" Uncle Duncan said.

"Uncle Duncan! Uncle Duncan! We have a house with a name!" Bode exclaimed running up to him, with the rest of us trailing behind.

"Well, puns are a Locke family tradition" Duncan said and I noticed he was holding a brown paper bag.

"How was Boston?" Nina asked giving him a hug.

"It was good, I wanted to get you guys something to mark the occasion of coming to your ancestral home for the first time." Duncan explained, I rocked back and forth on my feet knowing this wasn't apart of my ancestral heritage or whatever. Tyler seemed to notice and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Alli, you're apart of this family. This is just as much yours as it ours" he said quietly. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Thanks" I said, he nodded and looked back at Duncan.

Duncan was giving out party hats and party horns. He gave a green one to Bode, a gold one to Kinsey, a red one to Tyler, a purple one to me and a blue one for himself. I placed the hat on and blew the horn.

"Who wants to see inside?" Duncan asked.

"Me!" Bode exclaimed happily and hugged Duncan's leg and stayed there making walking for Duncan a bit harder.

"Whoa!" Duncan cheered.

We walked inside and it was beautiful. My mouth dropped in amazement as I looked around the old styled entrance area.

Locke and Key ~Tyler Locke~Where stories live. Discover now