The Room of Requirement

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Harry Potter was growing anxious as he stood at the Hogsmeade entrance, waiting for three first years to show up. They were supposed to have arrived ten minutes ago, but there was still no sign of the trio. He knew perfectly well that they could have gotten held up by Peeves, or a Professor, or any number of things, but he was still worried. In all the time they had spent planning this escape, they had never actually discussed what to do in the event that they didn't show up. All he knew was that Albus had been very clear that they would be on time. Remembering this, Harry weighed his options, and decided not to wait any longer. He was going to tell Draco what was going on.

Draco looked up when Harry appeared out of nowhere, white-faced and distraught. "Well? Have you taken them back to your place?" Harry didn't know how to tell the poor man what he needed to say. He decided to be a straightforward as possible, there was no point in cushioning the truth.

"They didn't show up. I'm sorry," he stated, painfully meeting his peer's eyes.

"What?! They didn't— are you kidding?" Before Harry could say another word, Draco had disapparated. He had feared this might happen. Not knowing what else to do, he returned to Hogsmeade in the off-chance that the kids might still show up.


Harry's words had pierced Draco's heart like daggers. His son might be injured by now, or worse— he couldn't bear to think about what could have happened. He just needed to act, and now. Thinking fast, he apparated to Borgin and Burkes, praying that the vanishing cabinet that had dominated his sixth year at Hogwarts was still there. It was unlikely, yet it was his only chance. He thought desperately about what effects leaving the camp would have. Surely, he would be forced to remain much longer, meaning that he'd have to wait even longer to see his son. What if he never saw Scorpius again, what if it was already too late— panic clouded his brain as he fought to stay on task. Having arrived at his destination, Draco burst through the door into the dark and dusty shop, after using Alohamora to unlock it. Relief flooded him when he saw the old cabinet still in its place, and he rushed over to it. Not wanting to waste a second, he climbed inside, and was transported to The Room of Hidden Things. He heard voices, and knew at once that his suspicions were confirmed. This was the place where Connell had planned to murder his son.

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