Draco's Letters

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Albus fell asleep quickly, but Scorpius was determined to stay up and read the four letters from his father. He had been wondering why his father hadn't written to him all year, but he had just assumed it had something to do with the place where he was staying. Now, here he was, about to read the letters, and his father was probably the one wondering why he had only written to him once all year. He ignored his mounting feeling of guilt and opened up all four letters, looking at the dates scribbled on them so he could read them in order. He found the first one and started reading.

Dear Scorpius,

I just received your letter in the mail yesterday. Congratulations on being sorted into Slytherin! I hope you're happy in your house, I know your grandfather will be delighted. Although, I do hope he hasn't been giving you too much trouble. I know how he can be at times; just be careful around him, and he shouldn't bother you. Please, if he does end up doing anything you're not comfortable with, send me an owl. It wouldn't be the best idea to confront him with your concerns. Anyway, how are your classes going? Do you like all of the professors? How was your first flying lesson? Do you have a favorite and least favorite class yet? I've been missing you terribly, it can be quite lonely here. I hope you get a chance to write back soon!



Scorpius felt strangely reassured, now that he knew his father really did care for him, and had made the time to write to him right away. That's what he had expected all along, until half of the school year had passed, and he thought that maybe his father wasn't going to write to him after all. Now, he knew he was wrong, and he was glad. He moved onto the next letter.

Dear Scorpius,

The other day I was informed that while I remain here, I will only get a total of 4 letters to send. So I'm going to make the next 3 letters, including this one, longer. I just want you to know that I am working as hard as I can everyday, so I can be done here faster, and return home. Unfortunately, I'm not going to make it home in time for Christmas break, so I'm going to make a suggestion: stay at Hogwarts over break. I feel that it would be best for you to not be at home with Lucius any longer then necessary. I'm worried about you... I didn't want to leave you with my father, but you know how quickly they took me away. I didn't have much time to think of a better option, my main priority was to make sure that you were guaranteed a home. Please take my advice into consideration, even if none of your friends are staying at Hogwarts. Now, how is Hogwarts going for you? Are you keeping up with the school work alright? Have you settled in well? And most importantly, are you making good friends? Perhaps the most important thing right now is that you have the right friends to stick by your side throughout your years at Hogwarts. So, please, please, choose your friends wisely. When it came to my friends at Hogwarts, I didn't make the smartest choices, and I don't want that to be the same for you. I would have discussed this and many other things with you before, but I was rushed off unexpectedly and never got the chance. Also, whatever the reason you didn't write back to me, I'm sure it was a good one. If you're mad at me for leaving so suddenly, please understand that I never wanted to go. You know what the alternative option was, which would have been even worse. I hope that's not the reason you never replied to my last letter, but if it is, I'm sorry that I left. Please don't forget about me, Scorpius. I'm sure you can make the time to write to me, I've made the time to write to you. I miss you so much, and I hope to see you over the summer. The people in charge here say that judging by the average person, I should be finished here by late August. But I really think I'm more than the average person, and I should be done sooner judging by the pace I'm working. I hope to receive a letter from you soon.



Scorpius felt a tinge of guilt, even though he knew it wasn't his fault he hadn't been writing back. He eagerly moved on to the 3rd letter, on which the writing was faded, but not so much that he couldn't read it.

Dear Scorpius,

I love you, son, why haven't you been writing back? I only get one more letter after this, and I could be writing to anyone, but I decided that I would write all 4 letters to you. So, please write back to me, I could use a letter from you. I've checked with the people in charge of sending owls, and they said they didn't know of any problems with the owl delivery. They said all of the owls had left to go to the correct destination with the letters, and had come back without any letters. I'm starting to think that maybe the owls aren't getting sent, or they're not arriving to the correct destination or something. After all, I did manage to get a look at some of the owls, and they all look pretty old and retired. I know you, and I really don't think you'd be intentionally not writing back. Anyway, how are you? Which classes are you finding hardest and easiest? Have you gotten into any trouble? Who have you made friends with, what are their names? Did you make any friends from different houses? Have you been attending the Quidditch matches? Who's winning the house cup? By the way, I'm sorry if the writing is faded, I'm running out of ink, and they won't allow me any more. I would write more, but I want to make sure there is enough ink for the final letter, so I'm going to end here.



Scorpius felt a little better, knowing that his father didn't think he'd be not writing back intentionally. Still, he felt very bad... his father was hurt, he could tell by the tone of his writing. He knew his father missed him terribly, and he missed him just as much. He wanted desperately to talk to him, to tell him he was sorry, to explain everything. He would send him a long, thoughtful letter as soon as he could. He moved onto the next letter to see that the ink was looking even more faded, barely legible.

Dear son,

I'm getting an idea of when I'll get back, and if I continue working at this fast pace, I'll be able to be there for you at the platform at the best. I'm looking forward to seeing you very much, Scorpius, I've missed you terribly. I've been working very hard to get my work done, so I can come back home and see you as soon as possible. I just don't understand why you haven't been writing back. What's wrong? I've been sure to label my letters very precisely, so I'm almost positive they got to you. In the last month, the old owls were retired and replaced with younger, more capable owls. I don't think anymore that the owls are, for some reason, not arriving at Hogwarts. I'm truly running out of ink now, and I'm not sure how much more I can write, so I'll get to the point. Please, feel free to tell me anything. Know that I won't hold anything against you, you can trust me. I'll see you soon, Scorpius, I love you.



Scorpius was on the verge of tears now, and he was so sorry that he hadn't sent any letters back. He felt a wave of rage towards Parkinson, whom he completely blamed for taking his mail. How could he do that? How could he take away his only form of contact with his father? Even if the 5th year didn't know exactly how important the arrival of those letters was to him and his father, he shouldn't have done that. He had probably thought it would simply be a funny thing to do, take Scorpius's mail. He had surely thought no more of it, although if he knew how much his actions had affected Scorpius, he probably would have been pleased. In all honesty, reading those 4 letters had affected Scorpius more than the crutiatus curse, or the teasing, or leaving him in that broom cupboard had. Sure, those things had all hurt him, but in a different, insignificant way. Scorpius fought the urge to stand up and dig in Albus's bag for a quill, ink, and parchment, knowing that he'd probably wake someone up. So, still fuming, Scorpius tried to go to sleep. Instead, his anger turned to sadness, and he started to cry silently. Finally, after another hour or so, he was consumed sleep under that stuffy cloak on the hard castle floor.

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