Who Better to Ask for Advice Than Harry Potter?

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James and Scorpius both ended up relaying to Albus what was supposed to happen on the last day of school, telling pretty much the same story but at different times. Albus and James agreed that since James overheard the conversation between the Connell and his slytherin friends, he should be the one to write to their father to ask about the Room of Requirement. He made a point to wake up earlier than usual so he could send the letter as soon as possible and help Scorpius figure this mess out.

Dear father,

Recently (yesterday), I had a conversation I never thought I'd have with someone I never thought I'd talk to. I'm sure you're confused, so let me explain. Incase you didn't know, Albus befriended Scorpius Malfoy. Now I'm not going to get into unnecessary details right now, but we ended up talking in the library. We explained some things to each other that surprised both of us, and it was made clear that a conversation I overheard was about poor Scorpius. Connell Parkinson and some other older Slytherins (I'm not sure which year they are), were discussing something terrible that they plan to do to Scorpius on the last day of school. They made it clear that it was to take place in the Room of Requirement, and Albus and I thought you might know what and where this room is. Please write back as soon as possible, it's urgent!!!!



Harry Potter, upon receiving this letter, wrote back very quickly indeed, revealing everything he knew about the room to his children. He wanted to know more about the young slytherin's situation, but he knew it was better to wait until they wanted to explain to him what was going on. However, he decided that since it wasn't likely that any of the three boys would do this, he should tell Draco Malfoy what was going on. The two had been well-known enemies throughout their time at Hogwarts, Harry, the good guy, and Draco, not so much. For a while, though, they had been at peace, and Harry was aware that Draco never really wanted to hurt anybody. He also knew that he regretted his past decisions very much, and was sorry for his actions. He even suspected that Draco didn't always have much of a choice. He also happened to know where Draco was currently located, so without further hesitation, he apparated to the 'camp' which he inhabited. It was very early in the morning, but he figured that he could wake him up. After asking where Draco was, and being told that he has 20 minutes to speak with him (for most people it's 10, but exceptions are always made for Harry Potter), he found his childhood enemy working on rebuilding some muggle shop alone. He later found out that Draco was up so early working so he could be finished his labor as soon as possible to get back to his son. As he approached the man, he was taken aback by his weak form; you'd have thought he hadn't eaten for days.

"Draco," he called out, "I need to talk to you about Scorpius."

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