Soulmates; Closer.

Start from the beginning

"You're right, we don't understand that. And what I don't understand is why you stay with him when you could become more than just.." I pointed both my hands at her and had a bit of an exasperated tone to my voice with my next few words.

"Backup vocals."

She looked slightly shocked and yet... Somehow saddened at my statement.

Moon broke the shocked stare that she had previously directed at me.

"You'll notice each list also includes my costume and performance suggestions okay??"
He handed his board back to Miss. Crawley.

"Miss. Crawley will show you to your rehearsal spaces now, Let's get to work!"
He pointed to the roof with a determined look in his eye as I began walking beside him.
Johnny had began walking beside me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Moon?" Moon had walked over to the side as Johnny bent down slightly to show him the paper.
"For some reason it says 'ere that I should be playing the piano?" He sounded confused- Hell, I would be too. They both kept walking so I walked on ahead slightly.

I smiled and shook my head as I had taken out my phone and began to scroll through my social media while walking... When I heard Moon say my name.

I looked back at him as he raised one of his eyebrows. I quickly put my phone in my jacket pocket.

"Uh, yeah? Sorry, what'd ya say?" He shook his head and repeated his last statement.

"I said, that I need you to teach Johnny here the piano."

I blinked a couple of times, dumbfounded.

'Hang on a frickin minute... In the movie, it's Miss. Crawley who teaches him the keys... Why is it me now???'

"Wh- Uh- Me? Seriously?? You sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! There's a piano in my office, you can take him up there and get started on the basics!" He had grabbed a cup of tea from the tray Miss. Crawley was carrying as I shrugged and made my way up the stairs. I turned around halfway up to look at Johnny who was staring at his paper a little TOO intensely.

"Hey," He looked up at me, seemingly broken out of his thoughts.
"C'mon then big guy, gotta get you started on that piano." I smiled at him and began my way up the rest of the stairs.

"Uh, yeah, right.. Sorry!" He started walking up the stairs rather awkwardly.

Once we got up there, I opened the door for him as he nodded at me and I sighed.

"Ah, c'mon Johnny, didn't I tell ya yesterday? As much as I love your voice, don't use it for apologising, especially when you've done nothin' wrong." I walked over to the coat rack and took off my jacket.

"Ah, right, s- Umm... You... You really like my voice..?" He seemed uncertain while asking that, almost as if he didn't belive me.

"Of course I do, I wasn't lying when I said your voice had me jaw dropped."

I sat down on the piano bench and patted the spot beside me. He followed suit and sat down beside me.

"So uhh... What first?" I shook my head with a smile.

"Well first of all," I grabbed both his hands and set them at either ends on the piano.
"You need to know which keys are which." He nodded and gulped. At first I had wondered why then I remembered a very important fact.


Just as I had taken my my hands off his larger ones...

"Soulmates." A Johnny X Reader [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now